3.1- Harry

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"Favorite color?" she asked warming her hands up over the vents in the car.

"orange and yours is...?" I put my blinker on to turn into the diners parking lot. we had left the house only moments ago and it felt as if time was slipping away. I wanted to spend the rest of the day with her.

I didn't know what was so addicting about her. couldn't place what truly drew me in, made me feel as if I was obsessed with her. it was a whole constellation of things that added to make me want to be with her. like when she thought over a question she blinked a little more than normal, or when she laughed how she curved her shoulders dainty hand moving to her mouth. how after every time we kissed she bit her bottom lip, teeth grazing lightly it was almost unnoticeable. and fuck she was so smart, I hadnt even noticed how she did it unintentionally, letting that little bit of herself free without thinking.

"wait, orange? not black, or white, or gray?" she asked sitting back head rolling on her shoulder to look at me.

I swear it was hard to drive with her in the car.

"do I look that boring?" she shrugs as I park, unbuckling her belt.

"not boring, you're anything but boring and you don't look boring."

I turn to her shutting the car off, "and so I'm..."

she blinked back at me thinking over her words, "mysterious,"

"so im a weirdo?" we were close now and I bumped my nose to hers making her smile with the edge of her mouth.

"only sometimes," she whsipers biting back her smile.

"oh yeah?" I couldn't help my smile as I tucked a loose piece of her hair behind her ear. brushing her cheek with my thumb.

"I only give honest answers," her eyes wide and watching mine.

I never wanted someone so bad, not it that way but also entirely in that way. but what I wanted was her time, I wanted to be locked here in this space with her. and I wondered if that made me insane. but here she was so close to me, nose to nose, forehead to forehead, breathing in each other, the car smelling of chlorine and her watermelon chapstick. "please," the word falling in a whisper from my lips.

her eyes softened and I wanted to curse at myself for letting something so stupid leave my mouth, something so wanting. I didn't know who I was anymore. didn't know what she had done to me.

"what?" her hand moved cupping my cheek.

"Please let me kiss you,"

what the fuck was happening to me? begging, and all these emotions racing through my body. who the fuck was I?

"I've never told you that you couldn't," a small light chuckle coating her words, it was humorless. she brushed her thumb over my cheekbone.

"I think I'm-" I cut myself off.

what the fuck was wrong with me.

"what?" once again she blinked trying to understand what I was going to say.

I knew it was what I was feeling, knew if anyone wouldn't make fun of me it was Rosie. I mean that was one of the things I loved about her, she never judged me. and so I said it.

"I think im falling in love with you," I whispered into the space between us.

she pulled back a bit and I felt my heart drop. I didn't expect her to agree or say it back or anything. I kinda hoped it would be over just as soon as it started to come out of my mouth and that maybe she didn't even hear it. but she did hear it because we were only centimeters away from each other.

"with..." she pointed at herself, finger digging into her chest, her eyebrows knitted, and her cheeks flushed pink.

"yes," words trembling as I waited for her reaction.

"But you're...you are...you're harry styles,"

I didn't expect that as her reaction. "and you are Rosie on-"

I was cut off by her lips pressing to mine, taking me by surprise. her fingers twisting in my hair, pulling me closer to her. I could taste her chapstick, feel the heat rising over me. lips soft against mine, moving hungrily but slowing down as we breathed not breaking away.

kissing her was like being overcome with the best kind of high. no drug could replace this feeling, no amount of money could buy this feeling here.

she pulls away, "im sorry I shouldn't have-"

this time it was my turn to cut her off. she opened her mouth to me, pulling herself closer locking an arm around my neck. I hadnt even noticed one of my hands was on her hip the other cupping her cheek. I hadnt noticed how my rings pushed into her hip bone just the slightest until she gasped into my mouth.

the sound was so small and could have been looked over but I felt that gasp rattle in the back of my throat, felt it set a fire over my skin.

I would not think about sex, not now, not when I knew she didn't want that, not when she told me she didn't want that. but that small noise, the way her bottom lip fit so perfectly against my lips, the way her fingers pulled so heavenly against my hair.

don't you fucking dare think about it you asshole.

I pulled away stopping myself, knowing anymore and I'd embarrass myself.

"so you're not upset," I chuckled and she shook her head smiling.

that fucking smile, little dimple, eyes crinkled. "no not upset,"

"you still want that milkshake?"

"why else do you think I date you?"

"not because of my handsome good looks or my mysterious smolder?" she giggles shaking her head.

"no, it exclusively because you get me milkshakes and coffee and drive me around, nothing else really," she says tilting her head, smile so lovely I kiss the edge of it.

"great cause the only reason im in this is for all the help in math,"

"haha," she fake laughs kissing my cheek. "now get me a milkshake,"

I can't help what bubbles out of me, the laugh loud in the small space especially because we are so close. "you're funny you,"

"you're so pretty when you laugh," she mumbles bushing my hair behind my ear.

"I think you're the only one who has made me laugh in years," and it was the truth no matter how teen movie I sounded I was only ever honest with her.

"because im so hilarious," she rolls her eyes.

"you're the funny one in this mix," I kiss her cheek again, then again, and again until she giggles, "you're gorgeous when you laugh,"

"way to one-up me," she mutters poking me in the chest. I catch her finger bringing it up to my mouth kissing her fingertip.

"I'll make it up to you by getting you a milkshake," and she rolls her eyes pecking me lightly on my nose.


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