2.8- Rosie

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my free period was after lunch, the same time as always and Harry went over to his class, fletcher his. so I was left alone in the library like I usually was.

I did my work and before the next bell, I packed up and went to the restroom.

as I came out to wash my hands a large group had come in leaning over the sink. I waited with my hands up not wanting to be rude and push through them.

one of the girls, heather Conahan, was applying lipstick. she leaned over the sink as her friend Brittney leaned next to her texting on her phone. two others stood laughing over something.

but when I stood there waiting they stopped laughing, Brittney looking up from her phone, she tilted her head to the side, squinting.

"you're that girl from the hallway," she said one finger pointing at me lazily.

I shrugged trying to be polite but anyone could have been the girl from the hallway.

heather looked up at me from the mirror, or down, they all seemed so tall in comparison to me, be everyone did.

"oh yeah," she smiled turning around. her dirty blonde hair falling around her face in neat waves. she was stunningly beautiful, the written image of an American beauty. tanned skin, long legs, bright blue eyes. "the new girl,"

Brittney and the others laughed as if it was some inside joke.

"can I wash my hands please?" I asked feeling uncomfortable with all of their looks.

"sure sure," Heather said moving out of the way of the sink but still pressed into the counter.

I wedged between them all, pumping soap into my palm.

"you know you're so different from all the other girls Harrys been with," heather started.

I didn't look up from my hands, my face heating, I definitely didn't want to have this talk at all.

"yeah you're so small," Brittney giggles a hand covering her mouth, "not in like in a mean way I just mean," she giggled again, the others trying to stifle their laughs as well. "like," she laughed then the sound like bells in the air.

"no no I know what you mean brit, like when he does that thing," Heather laughed, "you know,"

"Yeah, she's got nothing to hold onto," one of the others laughed.

I've never felt more embarrassed. my teeth sinking into my bottom lip as I rinsed my hands. I could feel the heat rise over my face at their words.

"your hairs so long," heather said and I felt her push a strand back, I flinched away and she chuckled again. "do be scared, I mean we all have to stick together as styles girls, we end up real close," she says a fake pout on her face.

"I dont think-" I start trying to turn around to dry my hands but they just stood around now blocking my way.

"you know im sure you won't last that long," one of them says.

"yeah, I think its to get at max again seeing as I hear you're max's ex and all,"

"im not-"

"yeah yeah Harrys always so upset with him," Heather laughs, "but im sure you know that seeing as..." they giggled again.

"im just washing my hands," I say not knowing what to do.

I wanted to die right then. I never expected this or thought girls did this in real life. they all seemed well enough, acting nice but saying things I didn't want to hear at all. giggling and laughing as if I was some kind of joke.

I mean I grew up with these girls, I remember in middle school gym when Brittney had made fun of the fact I had freckles and moles on my skin. I mean it was embarrassing enough to be changing for gym then on top of it knowing that one of the most popular girls said that she thought your skin was ugly. now she was calling me small and sure I was and oh how I wished to be taller, as tall as her, to actually have hips, to have that body boys liked. to hear them, the group who im sure have done things with harry that I couldnt even imagine doing, talk about it as if it was nothing.

I was embarrassed by myself but now I felt like I had to think about how I looked.

I hadnt even thought of that, I mean should I try and look more presentable, look like the girls harry was accustomed to liking?

what if that's why he agreed not to have sex with me because I wasn't his type, the long-legged, pretty girl with a sexy body, what if he only liked me for other things.

I mean I shouldn't care right because I didn't want to have sex and I did want him to like me for more than just my body but now I felt inadequate.

and they said I was max's ex. I hated that people put that title on me when I've never liked him, certainly never enough to date him.

heather sighed, "im sure he'll be done with you soon anyway, he always does come back to me,"

I stood there dumbfounded as they filed out. hands wet, cheeks red, self-loathing running through my veins.

I dried my hands headed to English. I sat in my seat trying to distract myself by reading over today's worksheet. Harry sat down in front of me a small smile on his lips.

"How lucky are we to get Frankenstein," he says writing his name down on his paper.

"Yup," is all I can pull from myself.

I felt so self-conscious in front of him now, the reality of what a relationship meant in normal society forced to the forefront of my mind. I was getting too comfortable, I wasn't what I should look like as harry styles' girlfriend. he would soon see that, he would go back to heather just like she said he would.

and it might be soon, I mean he'd see me in a bathing suit this weekend, I'd probably disappoint him.

"what wrong love?" he asked leaning over the desk slightly to whisper the words.

they still made my heart flutter and I tried to hold back the thoughts they were now overflowing.

"Nothing," I say trying to place a smile on my face but it was hard to look at him, I didn't want to lose him when I had hardly had him.

he looked at me questionably mouth opening to say something before being cut off by the teacher who began class.


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