0.9- Harry

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I hadn't felt such anger in a long time. 

seeing Max fucking Arnolds hands in her hair, watching as her face twisted in pure fear under his grip. 'max you're hurting me please,' i felt something twist inside me like a deadly snake. she was so small next to him diminished by his stance. he had no fucking right to handle her like that, anyone like that. 

her knees shaking, small dainty fingers over his aggressive ones, eyes pleading tears almost spilling to the brim. 

I would have smashed his fucking brain into the lockers if she hadn't been there. but I didn't want her to see me do that, didn't want any more fear to be forced down her throat at any sight of violence. 

I wanted to hold her as she walked next to me to the car, her face set as she tried to calm herself down but I could teel how upset she was. how her chest rose and fell heavily and lips pressed together into a frown. 

when we got in that when she began to speak, rapidly to herself as i turned the car in. 

"it wasnt that big a deal he didn't mean anything by it I mean he was just trying to get under fletchers skin, I shouldn't be this upset, I shouldn't go home, I should stay, ill miss all the work I have today, ill be behind all because I couldnt take a little scare I mean im stronger than that right? I mean I should be-"

"it was a big fucking deal and you have a right to be upset by it," I say cutting off her small rant. "and I don't think you should stay you won't be able to focus on your work, ill bring you anything thing you miss if you want. max is a fucking asshole who needs to be taught a lesson but right now im worried about you getting home to take a break." 

shes silent as she looks to her hands folded down in her lap. I pull out of the parking lot headed to her house. 

"I can't let it be a big deal." she whispers chipping polish off her nails, "I dont want fletcher to get hurt again." 

I shake my head at her words. the way she acted, trying to put the blame on herself. "fletcher makes his own decisions if he gets fucked up that's on him and nothing on you. he egged max on, max just took it to the fucking extreme touching you like that." 

she doesn't say anything, I look to her quickly seeing her head lowered bottom lip pulled between her teeth, thinking. then i heard it the light sob that left her throat, her hands moving to her face, wiping at tears, coving her mouth. "im sorry I-I-"

she tried to calm herself down but her tears kept coming, the apologies following. 

"don't be sorry," I whispered not knowing what to do, I pulled into her driveway, unbuckling my seat belt. I hoped out of the car moving to her side and opening her door. she sat body hunched, hands fluttering over her face trying to catch her tears. 

I don't know what came over me as I did it. maybe it was the sight of her, the feeling of agony as I watched her cry. I pulled her body into mine, arms locked around her small frame. 

she went still for what felt like a lifetime but only a second and I was going to pull away, bury myself in a hole for embarrassing myself but I felt her twist my shirt in her fist, face pressed to my chest, pulling me closer. 

I relished in our embrace. my head falling to her hair, the smell of strawberries washing over my senses. I can't help but want to pull her closer, her tears staining my shirt, sobs racking her body as she cries. 

I want to make her feel better, make her forget about Max fucking Arnold. 

she slowly calms herself hands moving to wipe at her face. "im sorry." she whispers and her fingers are light over my chest brushing at my slightly wet shirt. 

"don't be," I say brushing the hair from her face, she looks up at me with those wide doe eyes, rimmed red from her tears. she still looked stunning, the tip of her nose and apples of her cheeks flushed red. "lets go get breakfast or something, help you forget about this mess." 

she nods sitting back in her seat as I close the door behind me. I pull myself into my own seat, buckling my best and heading out the driveway. I know the perfect place to take her, somewhere that even if we stayed until lunch the idiots wouldn't descend and ruin her mood once more.  

we drove in silence the light music playing, she looked out the window, the trees rushing past us as I pulled into the small diner off the backroads. id been here loads of times when I was a child.

we got out and walked to the door, i held it open for her and she thanked me. 

 sitting in one of the old red vinyl booths, cracking with age and use I watched her as she looked around examing the place. 

"howd you find this diner? i thought the only one in town was ladies." her eyes flciking to mine for the answer.

"my mother used to work here when I was little, she uh always let me stay and sit at the booths while she worked." it was strange of me to want to share that information with her. I didnt talk about my mother often even if the whole town knew about my family history. Fletcher didn't even know loads about my mother even if he'd ask how id grew up. 

Rosie nods and I realize i really don't know a lot about her. everyone in this small ass town shared private information with everyone else, the fact that rosies life was a complete mystery to me made no sense, hell I knew more about everyone in the school than I cared to all because of the shit talk everyone sprouted about everyone's life. but Rosie was an enigma. 

"what do your parents do?" i ask as she eye the menu in her hands. 

"huh?" she asks caught off guard by the question. "oh um they both are dentists, you probably have one of them as your dentist since they are the only ones in town. sometimes you might have the other because they travle to schools to teach their practice every once in a while switching places." she shakes her head at this not seeming to care much about the converstion. 

"so that's where I've seen your dad before," I say remembering how I knew id seen him but just chalking it up to seeing him passing in a grocery store or some shit. 

"yeah," she nods and the waitress comes over to take our order. 

when shes gone rosie mutters a small thank you. 

I can't help but want to smile at her but I hold back knowing I shouldn't. 

"don't thank me I dont deserve it." 

and she rolls her eyes at me, "well im going to say it anyway." 

I can't help this new feeling rising inside me and as much as I didn't like feelings, didn't like the idea of being with someone else I wanted to be there for Rosie. watching her so helpless under max's grip, seeing her cry, having her in my arms. I wanted her more than just sex, more than id ever wanted a girl. I wanted to protect her. 

I wanted to smell her strawberry hair again, wanted to feel her in my arms again, wanted to take her to this diner again and again just to see her roll her eyes like that at me. I wanted her


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