2.3- Harry

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I was scared shitless.

hands shaking as I pulled my boots on, it was hard to think as I drove over to her place. pacing a few steps in my room building up enough courage to even make it to the car first. and when I pulled up in her driveway way my legs were like fucking jelly going up to her door. I knocked on her door heart racing.

what the fuck? why was I acting as if I was walking to my death? as if she was going to open that door and stab me through the heart. she could have, I think it would have felt better than if she said she didn't want to come tonight. I think she would look very nice wielding a knife.

I rang the bell this time and she pulled the door open and I swear I could feel my heart stop. I had to look down to make sure she didn't stab me as I had been imagining before.

"hi..." she whispered fingers on the doorknobs turning white from holding so tight.

"h-" I had to clear my throat because it felt so tight. "hi, you look very, fuck, very nice,"

she blushed, "you look really good,"


what was going on with me, I felt heat all over like she'd touched me with glowing red hands and yet she hadnt done anything but look at me. people complimented me sure but it never made me feel like I'd want to wear this outfit for the rest of my life only to hear her say those four words again and again.

"are you going to tell me where we are going?" she asks turning around and locking the door behind her. I couldnt help but look at her legs, her hips, fuck I wanted to just-

dont be a perv.

I listened to my mind for once and held my hand out for her to take.

"you didn't have to come to the door," she whsipers hand cold in my own, so very small, so very soft.

"im not a fucking dick who just honks and expects you to run out," I pull open her door, "also I wouldnt be able to do this,"

she tries hard to hide her smile but it only makes her look cuter. cheeks flushed as red as the tip of her nose, she has a fucking dimple on the right side and it shows itself now. she climbs in and I shut the door behind her taking a breath trying to contain the emotions happening.

this cant be fucking normal the way im feeling right now for her. I mean this was a lot and maybe because I hadnt felt anything really before and that made this so much more intense or if it was just wrong, I was broken, a faucet turned on without the ability to turn off.

we drove with the music turned on, not loud enough to not talk but enough that we didn't have to sit in silence.

I had been thinking about what we would do since the second I asked her. I felt stupid after asking when realizing I didn't know what people did on dates, id never been on one, never cared to listen when anyone would describe on and so I was completely clueless. a fancy dinner seemed weird and a movie, come the fuck on I didn't want to spend this time I had with her right now not looking at her. id enjoy it if we were in my bed again but wrapped up watching. but I just planned on doing what I thought Rosie would somewhat like.

I pulled into the lot of the small plaza just outside of town.

"where are we?" she asks taking her seatbelt off.

"This is a place my mum would take me when I was younger, she always wanted a job here but the diner gave her more hours," we both get out of the car and I meet her on her side.

"it's a bit late for coffee but they also have hot chocolate," I say and I feel her hand brush against the back of mine.

she drove me fucking insane.

I took her hand intertwining our fingers.

fuck my heart was falling to my ass. how the fuck did someone so small have such a tight grasp on my fucking heart. holy shit anything she did had me wanting to just do anything she asked.

"you underestimate how much caffeine I can handle,"

and I can't help but crack a smile a laugh shaking my shoulders. "you're like two feet tall it must affect you,"

"hey, im almost average hight for females,"

"you're missing how much until you reach it?"

"four inches..." she whispers shyly her free hand moving to cover her mouth laughing a bit before letting her hand fall, "but that has nothing to do with how much caffeine I can or cannot take in my system,"

"by the laws of alcohol it has everything to do with it and last I checked it was added to the list of drugs,"

"well I defy laws, setting new standards for everyone," she says jokingly and I never know I could love the sound of someone's voice.

the coffee cart is open I till eight and we're cutting it close at seven forty-five. Rosie gets a coffee and I do the same wanting to keep up with her added energy.

"Are we going to sit-"

"nope right over here is our second stop,"

"second stop?"

I drag her over to the small bookstore nestled in the corner of the plaza. you couldnt even see it behind the trees they had for decoration.

"I thought you'd be tired of books after English," she smiles biting her bottom fucking lip.

"you can never get tired of this place, I'd beg my mum to take me all the time, even now I look for any excuse to come,"

"so im the excuse?" she asks squeezing my hand as she lifted her other to take a sip. she looked over her cup at me. her eyes bright and shining in the glow of the little Christmas lights they kept up year-round.

"no the store is the excuse to see you, love,"


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