3.4- Rosie

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I didn't know how much I wanted to spend time with harry until I was running out of daylight to spend with him. we had watched movies laying on the couch in the living room, not even saying anything. Karen made up lunch for us and soon after we found ourselves in his room.

"you never told me you play guitar," I say pointing to the instrument playing against the dest.

"not much and not well," he sits at the edge of his bed shrugging his shoulders.

I lean against his desk his room even cleaner than the last time I was here. I couldn't believe it had been only months ago that max had thrown his drink at me and I ended up in harry's bed.

"could you..." I twist my fingers in front of me, I never know when I'm overstepping when I'm asking too much. it scared me to think I could ask him too much, that he could push me away over any little thing.

"play?" and I nodded.

"I don't know why you're afraid to ask," he smiles moving to grab the guitar. he takes a seat right back down and I pull out his desk chair. "any requests?"

"But you said you don't play well or that much so what if I asked for a really hard song?"

"then I'd bullshit my way through it for you, love,"

"How romantic," I laugh crossing my legs. I was always so curious to learn new things about harry.

"only for you, love, only for you," he strummed dramatically, sending a volley of noise around his room, laughing at the face I must have made. "come sit with me ill teach you a thing or two,"

"you're going to be talking to a brick wall, I once tried to learn piano and my fingers don't have the right coordination to play right," I stand and he opens his arms for me, moving back to make room.

"This isn't piano,"

"yeah but it takes a different kind of coordination you will never be able to teach me," I say sitting between his legs, I try not to make it a big deal how fast my heart was racing in my ears. we were comfortable with each other and I knew that I shouldn't have been so on edge to be this close to him, I had been closer but he never failed to make me feel as if a thousand butterflies went loose in my stomach.

"here let it sit like this on your leg," I don't think I was breathing at all. I felt his lips brush my neck, breath on me sending shivers down my spine. "place your fingers like...this,"

I could hardly pay attention to what he was saying, he guided my hands, and my heart raced in my throat. 

"Are you paying any attention?" he asked and I could feel his chuckle on my back, rumbling through his chest. I swallowed not knowing how my mouth was so dry.

"huh?" and he only laughed again.

he planted a kiss right below my ear and I felt my breathing stop.

I couldn't describe what he did to me, didn't know that this is how people felt with their significant others, no wonder people got so obsessed with another person, craved this feeling.

"This is G," he says guiding my fingers again.

I couldn't believe he would just act as if he wasn't taking my breath away. "harry..."


I didn't know what was coming over me, maybe I was really on drugs when I was around him. he was that drug. and so I turned in his lap even as hard as it was with his arms around me and the guitar locking us into place. and I kiss his jaw.

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