5.2- Harry

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it was a very long run to the hospital. not because it was far but because I had stopped not once but twice to vomit on the way. at the hospital I stopped to catch my breath, I battled for air for longer than I thought possible but I couldn't catch any. a pain grew in my chest, my throat still burning from throwing up earlier. 

doubled over and I shook, hand pressed to my chest trying so hard to make myself move again. my legs locked and my head pounding. I needed water. I'd never ran so fast even in sports I didn't put in this much effort. didn't feel this much pain. 

the hospital in our small town was the smallest you could think of. they had three private rooms, a floor of beds with curtains separating them, and the waiting room. the nurse's station blocking the doors to the rooms and as I stood at the desk I could see rosies parents talking to a doctor outside of one of the rooms. 

her dad's shirt had spots of blood on it and sure enough, his nose was set and swollen. his wife standing close to him gritting her teeth at whatever was being said. 

"she doesn't want me to-"

"she doesn't need to be transferred to another-"

"I won't force her by cleaning the wounds myself my nurses can take care of it having me do it is unnecessary no matter how much you would rather have me examine her. she said she wasn't comfortable with males in the room so I will listen to her wishes, not yours," his eyes flicked up to me. no nurse was at the station to ask what I wanted to needed so he would have to be the one to help me, "if you'll excuse me I need to help this young man," 

"surly we can go in now-"

"no she said she didn't want anyone in by the nurses, I will not push her more than you had already tried so please if you want her to even try to move on from this then you need to respect her wishes," 

"shes only a chil-"

"and she's been though enough, you are old enough to understand that after a traumatic experience where you were refused to be listened to that it's important that those who are to support her should listen to her. I shouldn't have to explain it, not to adults," 


"no buts you were drunk when you came in the only sane one was a boy you forced to leave and yes he did hit dr. onings but he held it together a lot better than you both. Rebecca, we went to school together and I'd expected a better understanding of a situation of this caliber. She's your daughter and all you can think about is if someone will find out about this situation. people will know, the Arnolds are big in our town, people are going to know. so please pay more respect to your daughter than you have been giving her in this small time I've seen you trying to interact with her," he went to walk around the desk but rosies mother grabbed at his arm. 

"We are your patents you cant talk to us like th-"

"rosaline is my patient, not you, she will come first," 

"We are paying for you-"

"and if that's all you care about then I think you should also worry about more than just this incident and what you may have been doing to your daughter," 

he pulled his arm from her grasp as he moved over to me and i very clearly saw her roll her eyes when she saw it was me waiting to speak with him. she crossed her arms over her chest whispering intently to her husband who could care less as he held an icepack to his nose. 

"yes sir how can I help you," 

"I'm rosies boyfriend an-"

"she doesn't want any visitors I'm sure you can understand-"

"can i-"


"can't you just tell her-"

"I was sadly not excluded from her list of people she didn't want in the room, and seeing as she is due to fall asleep at any moment I'd say another no," 


"no, and I don't think you would want to see her like this anyways, so please go home and try not to worry, you're lucky I'm not calling someone over the stench of alcohol over your breath," 


"no more buts Mr. styles, I can call your dad to come to pick you up," 

the door to rosies room opened and a nurse walked out, I took the opportunity to yell out her name. it was stupid but got my foot in the door seeing as I could hear her small voice just barely over the sound of her nurse quickly trying to close the door so her parents didn't go in. 

it was only a moment later when another nurse came out asking for me. 

but before I could even step forward the doctor held his hand out stopping me, "don't touch her she all but had a panic attack earlier over me stepping into the room, if that happens I will have to ask you to leave and if you don't we will make you leave," 

I nodded, understanding full well I wasn't prepared to see her even if I had ran all the way here. fletcher had been crushed, crying into my arms over what had happened and I was worried for the worst. 

"her bodies still trying to get rid of the drug used on her so she weak and will speak softly and or not be able to get the words out, she can't move fully so don't ask her to move," 

"I wouldn't," 

"just covering the bases, don't force her to talk about anything she doesn't want,"

I nod just wanting to see her, knowing I didn't know what to fully expect. I was numb with some new emotion that I'd never felt before. it was a miss of so many different kinds of emotions. the doctor let me past and rosies parents stared at me as if I was their worst enemy. 

I pushed open the door my stomach falling as I saw her. 


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