4.0- Rosie

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"what were you thinking?" I muttered as fletcher rolled his eyes. 

"don't start talking like my day rose, I swear I've heard enough of it," 

"what even happened?" I asked crossing my arms, cold in this room and I knew he must be too seeing as he was shirtless and shaking a bit. 

"max started saying some shit that I didn't like and I...said some stuff back that he didn't like and well," he shrugged his shoulders wincing at the pain it brought him. 

"Fletcher," I whispered, "are you okay? really?" 

"I'm fine rose I don't know why Calum even called you, it was nothing," 

"it doesn't look like nothing," and fletcher shook his head again. he patted the seat next to him, his father and harry talking away over not listening to us.

"rose just promise you'll tell harry about all of the shit max says to you or his friends or those girls who locked you in that room," he looked tired as he said it, weak over it. 

I didn't want to tell harry anything mostly because I was embarrassed about it. I had spent my whole life living with people who bullied me or having max make comments I didn't like all before harry showed up in my life. it was normal and unimportant to our relationship. I didn't want him to worry over anything that had to do with the situation.  but I nodded to Fletcher then who shook his head as if he knew I was lying. and he did, he knew me better than anyone. 

 "I don't want this thing to escalate, max was saying some fucked up shit about you and harry, rose, and I want you to know that Harry needs to know about things like this because you can't take it all on your own as much as you try and trick yourself into believing. I've tried to stay out of it, have for your sake even before you started dating harry but I need you to know that max is fucked up and all of his little friends are as well. harry knows that and I need you to know that because as much as you try and ignore it you cant." 

"is that what you fought over?" I asked feeling bad over the fact that now Fletcher was hurt over something that had to do with me. 

he nodded gritting his teeth. "I wouldn't be surprised if Harry saw the video and beat max more than I did." 

"what did he say?" not knowing if I really wanted to know what max said. I knew from my own experiences with max that he didn't always say the nicest things, I also knew that adding alcohol into the mix made it a lot worst. 

"he was just shit-talking rose," Fletcher muttered putting a loose arm around my shoulder. he smelled like a mixture of sweat and sour beer but I didn't care. 

"fletcher please stop getting into fights, it's not worth it," 

"rose you're always worth it," and I shook my head.  

I loved fletcher more than I could comprehend. he was always in the best parts of my life, he had helped me when I was really struggling, and I for him in return. I never wanted him to be hurt in any way ever, especially over something someone said about me. but he always stood up for me even when we didn't know each other, even when I thought no one cared. 

"And besides I love giving max a good right hook," I rolled my eyes at him as he laughed. it soon stopped after his face turned up in pain from the movement laughter caused. 

"did they give you anything for the pain?" I asked already ready to get up and bug the nurse to get something for him if not. 

"yes, it just needs some time to kick in, ill be fine, and don't you dare try and mother me like the last time," 

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