3.6- Rosie

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the day had started well enough but went bad as soon as my free period hit. I sat in the library reading over my presentation I had for later in the week. I was worried about it and knew I'd stutter in front of the whole class, harry too. and so I wanted it to be good, stutter-less.

the librarian stepped out to collect some books from the office and I was left alone or I thought I was left alone.

she had pulled at my hair and I hadn't expected it seeing as I believed I was alone so I let out a yelp, expecting to see Fletcher but only to be faced with heather and Brittney. they smiled innocently enough but it seemed all wrong.

"do you think you could help us get this book?" Brittney smiled as heather tugged lightly on my hair again.

I brushed her hand away already feeling a lump form in my throat. it had been a few months filled with their looks and even snarky comments when I passed them. I was trying not to let it bother me, I mean I was with Harry, he spent most of his time with me or with his family unless he wasn't sleeping at night I trusted him.

but when they stood so close, when I knew harry wasn't around the corner, that Fletcher wasn't by my side all my insecurities surfaced.

I didn't realize how much of a crutch they had become to keep me from thinking bad about myself. with Fletcher, I was distracted by laughing and fun, with harry I was distracted by... everything about him. I didn't have time to think about myself but now heather and Brittney stood long-legged and in front of me looking perfect.

"what?" I asked hand over my chest not knowing if they really meant me.

"don't you know where the stuff is?" heather asks crossing her arms.

"I could try helping..." I say not knowing why I did, I mean I shouldn't have said anything. I should have ignored them and went on with my day, they didn't need my help they could wait for the librarian for all I cared, and yet I still opened my big ol' mouth.

"okay it's supposed to be over here," heather says both of them already headed to the back of the library.

I follow feeling awkward in my own shoes, falling behind because of my short legs.

when I turn the last corner I come face to face with Brittney holding open the backroom door, smiling her white toothed smile back at me. heather waves me over and I feel chills run down my spine. they hadn't even turned on the lights.

"says back here," Brittney shrugs, and I move into the room, but when I looked in the only things shoved into the small space was a stack of empty boxes and a printer.

I turn the words on my lips lost when Heather's hands are on my shoulders, pushing me in.

"fucking bitch," she says as I fall to the floor, and before I can stand, think even about what's happening they close the door.

I stand hand trying to twist the knob only for it to be stuck, the door didn't have locks and yet the knob wouldn't move.

"This isn't funny!" I saw trying to control the fear in my voice. I tried flipping the switch but that didn't turn the lights on. the only light coming from the small window on the door where Brittney and heather bother held up middle fingers before turning away laughing.

"you can't leave me in here!" I say hand hitting the door but they keep walking, acting as if I wasn't there, as if they didn't just lock me in here.

I tried not to panic. tried.

but when an hour went by and no one had come back to unlock me I knew I had to call someone.

I wouldn't call Harry, couldn't do that when I knew it was something small and he would take it out of proportion. so I texted Fletcher who was very confused and sent me a very long paragraph about how joking about being locked in a closet in the library was hilarious and unrealistic.

fletcher I'm serious please come get me before I die in here and I'll haunt you for not helping me

and when he showed up he was angry.

"who the fuck did this?" he asked the chair that had been pressed under the knob pushed back where it had been before.

"it doesn't matt-"

"Rosie if you think I'm not going to get this out of you you're wrong," he crossed his arms, eyes hard as he stared me down.

"fletcher," I whine already wanting to forget about the whole thing. I wasn't even upset I just wanted it to never be brought up again. if I could live my life with no one knowing then I would have but I needed fletcher to help me.

"Rosie," voice stern.

"lock me back in the closet if you're going to be weird about it,"

"Rosie someone locked you the fuck in here and you think I'm going to let it go? they put a fucking chair here to lock you in!"

"don't yell it's a library," I say moving past him. "thank you for helping me,"

"I'm going to tell harry he could get it out of you,"

I turn around feeling my face heat. "don't do that, I don't want anyone knowing especially harry. please fletcher keep this between us," I put my hand together begging and he rolled his eyes.

"that doesn't work on me and hasn't since we met," he pokes me in the shoulder and I drop my hands pouting. "that too,"

"but really fletcher don't tell, it's embarrassing,"

"who cares!"

"Shhh," I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Someone locked you in a fucking closet," he whispers yells.

"But I didn't die," I whisper argue back.

"Rosie I swear to fucking god," he says pressing his fingers to his temples. "you take shit like this too light, someone locked you in a closet, mac threw a drink at you, people keep bothering you, saying shit, yes I fucking know it's been happening."

I bite the inside of my cheek. "it's not even that bad, people get bullied worst and it's not like it bothers me,"

he rolls his eyes, "well it bothers the fuck out of me and I'm sure your boyfriend would be bothered by it too seeing as it wasn't happing before-"

"it has nothing to do with him," I say already turn to walk knowing the bell was going to ring soon.

"well, he should know at least,"

"no one needs to know Fletcher,"

"Rosie if you keep it bottled up it's going to be a shit show when it comes out-"

"I'm fine fletcher, this was one time,"

"I'm not arguing with you tell me who did it so I can fuck them up," he pulls at my arm, we're halfway to the door to the parking lot and I roll my eyes.


"if not me then harry,"

"I'm not even really getting bullied,"

"I fucking know you rose and I know you make things way smaller than they are when they are important but I want you to put that aside for just once. rose you're happy! happiest ever seen you in fo- no ever, you have never been this happy don't let this fucking blow up and shit on your parade."

"fletcher," I whine not wanting this right now. he was right and that was the exact reason I didn't want to think about it. so what if they locked me in a room someone would have found me.

it wasn't as if they could do worst.


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