1.0- Rosie

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we sat and ate our food, me with waffles and harry with eggs and ham.

and we talked about math of all things.

"I can do it but that doesn't mean I know what the hell im doing," he says his mug of orange juice to his lips as he shrugged, chuckle caught in his throat.

"How can you not know and do at the same time? the math part is really easy-"

"okay no it's not, I worked to even barely get it as I do-"

"you understand it perfectly well-"

"it took work," he says raising his eyebrows as he makes his point. "but I don't know how I got the information, its a natural gift like Mozart or some shit."

I laugh at his nonsense remark and his shoulders shake in the nonexistent laugh on his part.

"I finished the reading already for the week and ill be starting the project as soon as I do work next," I say taking a sip from my mug, full to the bring with chocolate milk. this was my third mug since sitting down and harry had made sure to comment on the excessive drinking I was doing.

we had been sitting for what felt like only a hour but was actually nearly the whole day. our plates growing cold as we compared the music we had saved on our phones, to the books we had on our nightstands. at one point he had me laughing so hard I almost felt I couldn't breathe and that's when I saw him smile for the first time ever.

it had made me slow, my laugh caught in how beautiful he looked. he had dimples. cute folds in his cheeks showing laugh lines and dimples. I saw his white teeth all nice and straight, light pink lips pulled so cutely as he smiled at me.

I didn't know someone could be that good looking, that someone's face could change so drastically just by smiling. I mean he always looked good, extremely good, but when he smiled I felt my heartbeat flutter at my neck.

I coughed trying to cover up my staring by taking another sip of chocolate milk.

the smile was almost gone as soon as it came but I relished in the fact I'd seen it at all.

"We should get going, I have to pick up fletcher and the twins." he says finishing off his third glass of orange juice. I nod and we pay.

harry holds the door open for me and I lean under his arm as I go.

a light drizzle has started and the mist clings to everything. I slip on the gravel in the parking lot, Harry reaching out to catch me from hitting the ground.

"you sure are clumsy," he says chuckling, that light smirk accompanying the sound.

"s-sorry." body wrapped in his arms still and as we stand there his face seems to get closer to mine.

"dont be," he whispers breath washing over my face, smelling of orange juice.

I can't help but blink fast, his pale green eyes pouring into mine as we stand so close our noses almost touching.

"tell me you don't want me to kiss you," he mutters and I try to understand what he's asking me.

I knew I shouldn't want to kiss him, I knew how I didn't quite understand the feelings I had towards him but I also knew that even if I didn't understand I still wanted to feel his lips on mine. he would be my first kiss, here right now. but should I want that?

to be kissed by harry styles?

to have my first kiss with harry styles?

he was fletchers brother, he messed around with girls all the time, I had no dought in my mind that he hadn't already had sex before. kissing would mean nothing to him, and yet everything to me. I should say I didn't want him to kiss me but I knew id be lying if I said it.

"I don't want to lie to you." the sound of my voice shaky and uncertain and I watched as he thought over my answer. he nodded, nose brushing mine as he did.

"I shouldn't want to," he whispers as his lips barely brush mine but the feeling sends shivers down my spine, my heart is beating too fast in my ears.

"i-i won't stop you."

he closes his eyes at my statement breathing in deeply before opening them again.

"and I don't care if I shouldn't."

and then he's kissing me, arms locking tighter around my body pulling me closer to him. lips soft on mine, warm and gentle as he pulls away lightly, my eyes fluttering open but when I look his eyes are still closed slow to open. his long lashes opening, his pupils now dilated and he smiled twice in one day.

"fuck," he breathed eyes alight and I still couldnt wrap my head around the fact that harry styles kissed me.

"can I kiss you again?" and I nodded not having noticed how my hands had made their way to the back of his neck, fingers locking into his brown curls.

his lips were back on mine, a small peck pulling back and then crashing back down, moving softly and even if I was inexperienced my body seemed to know how to react, curving into his as he pulled even closer.

I was on my toes as he raised me up in his arms, and just as soon as before we were breaking apart again. breathing deeply looking up into each other's eyes.

"I don't know what im feeling," he states and the mist is still coming down the small drops in his hair and on his skin.

"me either," I whisper and he places me down slowly letting me stand flat on my feet.

"I've never- I don't ever-" he's shaking his head as he lets me go, my arms moving away from him but then his hands grab mine.

he drops them just as fast shaking his hair out with his fingers. he turns and walks to the car and I stand there dumbfounded as I watch him go.

I think I feel my heart breaking just as fast as it had been beating when he kissed me this time washed in hurt. i know this would happen but then he's rushing back over, cupping my cheeks and harshly his lips are back on mine.


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