Chapter 28

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Winter's P.O.V

The bell went off once again. This time I heard my Mom call out, "Winter, honey, please get the door!"

How am I supposed to tell her that I did get the door but slammed it in the face of the person I most wanted to see? This is a disaster. 

I am a disaster.

Okay, Winter. You'll be fine.

I turned around, straightened myself, and took a deep breath. I turned the doorknob and peeked through the slit I opened.

He was standing there in his black trench coat, plain white t-shirt, and denim jeans. He wore a beanie, sunglasses, and a smile. I could've melted on the spot if it wasn't for the door supporting me. He had a bouquet of white roses, a tub of Maltesers, and a few shopping bags in his hand.

And me... I was gaping at him with eyes as huge as saucers in my Dad's old faded crème t-shirt and baggy pants. I must have been a really stunning sight to see.

"Won't you let me in?" Jonah asked, smiling.

I knew I couldn't talk without stuttering so I let him in. He came in and I led him into the living room. I didn't say a word. I was so overwhelmed by his presence that nothing came out.

"You were writing?" He asked, glancing at the open diary and guitar on the floor.

I nodded. He took off his sunglasses and put it in the pocket of his coat. I missed those eyes. I was so nervous. I have no idea why.

"This is for you!" He offered the bouquet of flowers and the tub of Maltesers.

"For me?" I asked, nervous. My eyes flickered between him and the presents.

"Yes, Princess." He grinned.

I swear I could've fainted right there. First of all, I was hearing his voice after 10 days. I went 10 days without him talking to me. You have no idea how hard it was. I had to control myself from not crying every time I didn't get a reply. Now, he was here sitting in my living room handing my chocolates and flowers.

I took the flowers and chocolates and mumbled a quick thank you.

"Win, I need you to..." Ciara called out as she jumped off the last step of the stairs and skipped into the living room. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Jonah sitting on our couch. "JONAH!!!" She screamed as she launched herself into his arms.

"How's my little angel?" He greeted her, once they broke apart.

"Amazing!" She kissed him on his cheek and beamed as she sat down beside him. 

"I got something for you." He said, happily.

"Really?" Ciara's eyes lit up.

He nodded and handed her one of the bags he had brought along, "Yes. This is for you."

She looked at him quizzically as she took out the gift-wrapped box from the bag. She tore it open to reveal a cubical plain white box with a golden bow upon it. She squealed when she opened it. A thick leather-bound notebook and a set of pencils sat in it comfortably. Upon taking them out, she noticed another book. Her eyes widened, "Where on earth did you get the first edition of 'The Colossus'?

She looked up to Jonah with shining eyes and he explained, "Well, you did tell me how much you wanted it? So, I pulled a few strings. And I know how much you love writing poetry. So, I figured you need better material than loose ruled sheets."

She hugged him tightly and he chuckled. "Thank you!" She said, excited.

I had no idea about Ciara writing her poetry down on loose sheets. I always assumed that she had a book. I had no idea that she wanted 'The Colossus' by Sylvia Plath. But Jonah here knew all about it. I had no words. My heart was swelling up with adoration at the sight of the two of them.

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