Chapter 2

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Winter's P.O.V

It was currently 9:08 p.m. on the 20th June, 2018. I had been waiting since the past two hours for Fred to show up. I had set up everything. From his favorite food to his favorite music, I did everything that would make him happy so that we could spend one night in peace in just each other's presence. I even dressed up because he keeps complaining that I don't put in efforts to look good enough. He just didn't show up. I called him like 15 times now. He hasn't picked up my calls neither has he replied to my texts. I banged my fist down on the table in pure frustration. I need to cool down or I might break something. I do have anger management issues. It sucks but I learnt to accept it.

I took the keys of my car and walked toward the garage. I looked at my car proudly. It was the first thing that I bought for myself from my hard earned money. The day I set my eyes on her I knew I had to have her. The day I bought her was one of the best days of my life. I drove for hours on a stretch. She was a black Audi R8. She is literally my baby. I love her. Whenever I am angry or frustrated, I always take her on a drive or I read. But sometimes, I don't really have the patience to read when I am angry. So, my car is kind of my best friend.

I pulled out of my garage and turned on the radio

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I pulled out of my garage and turned on the radio. I could keep on driving for hours, while listening to music. One day, I just drove around for hours and Makayla got really worried because I hadn't replied to her neither did I call her. The consequences weren't amazing. Makayla worries too much. I don't know why but she says that she can't trust me when I am alone. I tend to do crazy stuff. My song Forever Us came on the radio. I wrote this soon after Fred and I told our first 'I love you's. They seem meaningless now. However, I feel excited whenever my songs come on. 

I was giving my driving test when the radio played my song for the first time. I literally screamed out of excitement. I even went on to hug the test conductor. I laughed at that memory. I love what I do. I especially love the fact that people love what I do and I am able to make a small amount of difference in their life. 

After driving around for more than an hour, I pulled over to this coffee shop called 'Caffeinated'. It looked quite aesthetic. Amazing place to Instagram. It was a 24 hour coffee shop. As I entered, the bell on the door chimed. The shop had a warm feel to it. The smell of coffee reached my nose and breathed it in. There was huge bookshelf right in the front and a few board games stacked on the table beside it. There were sofas in one corner and chairs and tables in one. They even had armchairs. I walked up to the counter and a boy of around 15 years greeted me with a warm smile. I smiled back. 

"What can I get you, miss?" He asked softly, as if he didn't want to disturb the quiet and calm atmosphere around us.

In the same tone, I answered, " A hot chocolate would be great." 

"Will be right back with one. Would you like anything else?" he asked. I nodded no. He asked me to have a seat saying he would bring my order to me. Before I sat down I took a look at their bookshelf and saw Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone there. Without hesitating for a second, I took it and sat on the armchair in the corner by the window.  

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