Chapter 13

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Winter's P.O.V

I almost ran back inside the arena. Nafisa spotted me and motioned me to slow down. I panted.

"You're here!" Martha exclaimed, emerging out of thin air.

The set was almost done. The workers were giving a few finishing touches and were taking away all the equipment.

"The set looks amazing!" I exclaimed. 

Nafisa chuckled. "So, how'd you like your surprise?" She asked, taking a picture of the set. 

My eyes widened in response. "You knew?"  

"I did."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I placed a hand over my heart, faking hurt.

"What would be the point of surprise then?"

I huffed at her question. I can act like a 3-year-old at times.

"Taylor's here. She's backstage in her green room." Martha informed.

I nodded. "I'll see you later. Can't keep the queen herself waiting." I trailed off, walking away.

I headed towards Taylor's green room. I was a nervous wreck. I was meeting her after seven months. We met at the Jingle Ball last time. We've been in contact. At least once a week, she'll either text me or call me, asking how I was doing. She is such a queen. She was the reason I started I singing. I love her so much. I share almost everything with her and her advice is amazing. She's like the elder sister I never had. I just hope she is as happy to see me as I am.

I reached her green room. I took a deep breath and knocked three times.

"Coming." I heard from the other side of the door. Taylor opened the door and grinned looking at me.

"Hey." I greeted nervously.

"Winter!" She exclaimed and proceeded to give me a tight hug. I hugged her back.

"I missed you so much." She said, pulling away. She held me by my shoulders and took a brief look at me.

"You've grown taller and... thinner." Taylor frowned.

"You know how much we gotta work." I replied, dodging her question. I could see that she wasn't satisfied with my answer.

"Why are we standing out? Come inside." She invited. Taylor shut the door behind us and motioned me to settle down. "How is everything?" She asked.

"So far, it's pretty good." I said. I didn't wear my spectacles today so I felt my confidence dwindle. My glasses give me some sort of confidence.

"You can tell me anything." Taylor assured me.

I sighed. "I just feel tired. Everything is overwhelming. Tomorrow, I'll be performing for over 30,000 people who love me and my music. I am a nervous wreck. I know that. But sometimes, all this fame and fortune, gets on my nerves. At times, I feel like I should've just rejected the offer back then." I ranted.

Taylor smiled softly at me. She placed her hand on mine and said, "Winter, I totally understand. All of this can be amusing and stressful but this who you are and what you love. You are right to feel exhausted. I mean you wrote and made three albums in three years and you have been touring constantly. On top of that, you deal with a lot of scrutiny on a daily basis and not to mention the humongous amount of interviews and shows you attend. So, I guess you can feel all of this." She explained. "Just be who you are, honey and everything will be just fine."

I got up and gave her a hug. This is why I love her. Even though she is so famous, there is not one arrogant bone in her body. She always takes time out for me and gives the best advice. Not to mention her songwriting skills. They are always top-notch. "Thank you." I mumbled gratefully.

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