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Third person*



"Shoto where'd you go?"

"Look I know we agreed to play hide and seek but's been an hour just come out already!" The red head wondered around the back yard. 'dads gonna kill me' he thought moving some branches to check if his brother was there.

A few giggles was heard from somewhere behind him causing him to do a full 180. After hearing some more he managed to pin down exactly where the dual boy was, although he didn't let it show. "Come on...where are you?" He said walking passed the spot he knew his brother was. He snuck through the bush managing to get behind Shoto before snatching forward and tickling him. "Found you!"

Todoroki started off laughing a bit while yelling "Ok. Ok. found me Touya! Now stop! Stop tickling me!" After a few seconds he was laughing so much that he could hardly breath as he kicked at his older brother. One or two light kicks actually hit Touya before a kick came straight for the face with full complete accident of course...and the tickling immediately stopped.

Shoto took a few breaths before hopping up and running to Touya "I'm so so sorry...I didn't mean to! Are you ok?"

Touya didn't reply as he reached to his nose feeling the spot under it before pulling away and seeing red on his hand. "Its's just a bloody nose I'll be fine Shoto."

All the way to the house and the whole time Touya held the bag of ice to his nose Shoto stared at him worried. Touya could see that he was standing there blaming himself and lecturing himself in his head. "Hey..." he said to get his attention "I said I was fine now will you stop that."


"I know you didn't mean to. Beside it was my damn fault I shouldn't have tickled you" the red haired boy set the ice down. His nose still was throbbing, he was shocked by the strength he was hit with. "Come on let's go watch tv..."

He watched the small omega nod before smiling slighty and walking to the living room.


"Fucking come back to reality!" The black haired villain snapped his head to the wrinkly rat. "Did you even hear what I said?"

"The hell do you want? Lotion?"

Despite the insult the leader of the league of villian's continued speaking "I said go feed that kid, I can't have him dying not yet at least. After we have the blonde I don't give a shit about him but right now he's usefull and can't die." Shigaraki said then left Dabi in the room by himself. "Fucking asshole." He muttered.

He grabbed a few waters and a bowl of ramen heading to the room that Todoroki currently resided in. He knocked lightly before entering. Shoto layed on the bed curled into a ball completely passed out, probably from exhaustion. From what Dabi knew he hadn't slept since he arrived. It was common knowledge that omega tended to sleep through heats and very much needed it. He was actually kind of surprised and made sure to check if the small omega was breathing, which he was. He definitely didn't want to wake him up so he set the food and water on the floor next to the bed then sat down at the foot of the bed leaning against a wall as he pulled out his phone to wait for him to wake up.


Class droned on as usual after Bakugou joined the rest. Aizawa talked about something probably important but at the current moment the blonde had no interest in what he was saying. With every second that passed he grew a little more pissed about the fact that the pros were keeping information away from him and confused at the same time. Eventually the bell rang all the students left the room. The whole bakusqaud gathered around Bakugou's desk waiting for him "Leave with out me extras I've gotta talk to Aizawa."

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