A real date

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Todoroki's pov*

Two weeks. That's how long it's been since I announced me being an omega to the class and Bakugou announced our relationship.

As you would guess it didn't take long for either of those facts to spread around the school and soon it got to the news. I for one was not surprised since we do have quite a few blabbermouths in our class. My suspicions were on either Aoyama or Mineta, since Aoyama loves spreading gossip and Mineta just loves being an ass.

Speaking of Mineta, he was recently injured. Pretty bad. Mineta's parents tried to press charges on the school but our staff worked it out and now Mineta is going to a different school and we've all been generally happy with his replacement. Which would be Hitoshi Shinso. Of course this means that Monoma been visiting a lot more now but we don't have many complaints since we all mostly find him tolerable. And by mostly I mean Bakugou still finds a reason everytime he visits to want to rip his head off.

"Will you shut up Pikachu!?" Speaking of Bakugou.

"What? Are you saying that you've never even been a little scared that Hakagure was roaming the halls naked? We wouldn't even know."

Kirishima sighed seeming a little disappointed in his boyfriend. On the other hand Sero looked terrified "Holy shit dude." He said looking over to Hakagure who was watching tv in the living room.

"Exactly dude"

Can someone please remind me why I'm hanging out with them again?


"Hey IcyHot." Bakugou said not so quietly walking into our shared room and interrupting my important time spent staring at the ceiling doing nothing.

I sighed getting of the bed and looking at him. He wore a pair of black jeans,
a white tee with a nice jacket and a pair of white sneakers.

"Why are you dressed so nice?"

"This is nice?" He asked looking down.

"Welll compared to what you normally wear...."

"What's wrong with what I normally wear?" He raised his eyebrow crossing his arms.

My eyes widened "Nothing. I like how you normally dress, it's just that now..."

"So you don't like how I'm dressed now?"

"No you look hot!" I blurted out without thinking, blushing a bit afterwards.

He smirked walking forward and kissing my cheek "I'm just teasing you"

"Get dressed and meet me down stairs." He said walking to the door. "Where are we going?" Bakugou smiled turning "You'll see." then walked out of the room leaving me utterly confused.

I walked over to my drawers throwing on a white turtleneck and a pair of black ripped jeans as well as my black converse before walking out the room to find Bakugou.

"Come on you have to see it!" Was the first thing I heard yelled when I came down.

"I absolutely do not." Monoma said to Mina sitting on the couch with his arms crossed

I cursed myself when mina and Kaminari's eyes landed on me "Hey Todoroki, doesn't Monoma look like the kazoo kid"

I looked at all of them not wanting to be a part of this. "Well..."

"Look this is a picture" Mina said holding the phone up to Monoma. Shinsou who has sitting next to him laughed "He looks like he could be your twin"

Monoma glared at Shinsou "Now your siding with them?"

"Hey let's go." Bakugou tapped on my shoulder taking my attention off the pointless argument.

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