The park

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Todoroki dropped to the ground for what felt like the millionth time in those few hours of training. It took every ounce of energy for him to not pass out but he knew he'd only be scolded.

"Get the hell up" his father commanded narrowing his eyes at the smaller boy struggling to stay conscious. The teen tried desperately to get up, trying to prevent anything from happening but it was too late.

Enji kicked the omega right below his unscarred eye sending him back a few feet. "I said get up"

"I...can't" Shoto choked out.

"How weak could you possibly get? You can't do anything right, your nothing but a disappointment" He was about to through a fireball at the younger boy but was interrupted before doing so.

"Father? Dinners done" Fuyumi peaked her head in trying to take the attention off of her brother. Anything just to get him to stop beating him, it brought pain to the older woman to hear her little brother suffering.

The tall false pro hero let out a sigh. He did a hand motion telling the female to go, as she did.

Once she had gently closed the door he turned his attention on Shoto again. He walked forward bending down to where he was only inches away from him. Shoto was growing nauseous of the overbearing cologne that his father wore.

"No dinner, for you tonight, get out of my sight and clean yourself up" He said standing tall and proud, as if he was proud of intimidating a small helpless omega then walked out of the room.

It took Todoroki a good twenty minutes to get to his feet using the wall to help lead his way to the bathroom.

He stripped down stepping into the shower and turning the faucets trying to get any dirt or sweat off. He felt nasty as if he had jumped into a puddle of mud.

Shoto stepped out of the bath drying himself off carefully trying not to press too hard on any of the new bruises left on him from the training.

He threw on a pair of shorts looking at himself in the mirror. Fresh bruises of different colors covered his chest. He had finally managed to get rid of the old bruises after being absent from home for so long only for them to be replaced for new ones.

Below his collar he had a burn ranging down an inch or two along with a few small burns on his arms and legs.

One particular bruise he was worried about. He had one huge bruise where his father had kicked him earlier below his right eye. It was strange. His father was normally smart and clean when training. He aims for spots others wouldn't see worried about ruining his reputation. But today he was sloppy and un neat. This would make it challenging hiding from his classmates.

Then again was anything ever easy in his family? Todoroki pulled out the first aid kit, he cleaned his burns with some soap putting ointment in the areas then wrapped his chest, along with his arms and his right leg which seemed to be the worst of the two. He threw on a random t shirt he had found lost in his drawers which was at least two sizes to big the end of the shirt reaching a little above his knees.

One thing he couldn't help asking himself while lying awake was, did his father purposely aim for Todoroki's right side. It had seemed everything on his right side was more severe than the ones on his left side. But then again maybe he was overthinking things as he did everything.

/The next day/

Shoto walked into the kitchen sitting in one of the empty seats. He had been in his room for a while trying to avoid his father at all costs.

"Good afternoon" his sister greeted him setting some food in front of him "dad's not here, he said he has hero work late, so you've got basically all day without him. Please eat something you must be starving"

The boy nodded pulling the plate towards himself as his sister walked out "I need to go shopping you wanna come?" She asked almost outside the door.

"No" Todoroki thought for a second "but I may go to the park while your gone" His sister nodded as she grabbed her keys and jacket on the hooks that sat next to the door "ok but try to be back before seven that's when dad said he'd be back"

After the older female had left he ate his food, or half of it anyway then threw his plate in the sink.

He grabbed his phone walking outside. The streets were pretty empty where he was in fact only one or two cars drove past him his whole way to the park.

Todoroki sat down on one of the benches looking forward to the playground where a few kids played. He used to ask almost every day to play on that playground but his father told him he had to focus on training. He used to see a small blonde boy there, and a small green haired male who played together.

He'd sit on one of the benches watching as the two boys played heroes together, they had small arguments of who would be all might. Many times they'd be forced into taking turns. It upset the younger Todoroki when the two boys stopped coming together, he never caught their names but he hoped at the time he'd meet them one day.

"Hey" A loud voice broke him out of his thoughts "Pokeball, did you even hear me?"

'That's a new one' Shoto thought staring at the ash blonde in front of him. "I'm sorry what did you say?"

Bakugou rolled his eyes in annoyance "I said scoot over" Todoroki gave a questioning look but still scooted a bit allowing the alpha to sit down.

"What's with your eye?" Bakugou asked looking directly at the big purple and green bruise.


"Your eye dumbass" he reached up touching the bruise sending a stinging pain to Shoto's eye. He immediately pulled away looking in the opposite direction. "It's nothing, I got into a small fight"

"Bullshit" Bakugou knew better, he had heard about his father while eavesdropping in Midoriya's and his conversation at the sports festival. Although he never thought the number two hero would go as far to hurt his own son. That and Todoroki wasn't one to lose his temper easily, not like Bakugou, there wasn't much chance he actually got into a fight.

Bakugou hand went to Todoroki's chin pulling it towards himself to where the two were gazing directly into each other's eyes.

"What happened" the blonde asked once again expecting the real answer this time. "That's none of your business" the other boy replied coldly.

Todoroki was starting to get annoyed it was none of Bakugou's business, besides why does he care in the first place. He had never cared about Shoto's health before, why now?

Bakugou stayed silent, glaring at the other boy. He didn't know why this angered him so much. He already knew full well how he got the bruise, though he wanted to hear it from him.

The idea of someone hurting Shoto made Bakugou furious, and the fact he knew there were more injuries on the other male made it worse. He let out a growl laced with poison, it wasn't directed at Todoroki but something inside the omega convinced him otherwise.

He flinched backing away, as a whimper came out his mouth.

Bakugou's pov*

What the hell? He just whimpered?

Why did I even growl like that, and why did he whimper? He sounded like a omega, but no, he's supposed to be an alpha or that's what he's told everyone else. He couldn't be, there's no way.

But maybe...

Okay that's the end, this chapter is longer than the others. Im trying to update frequently but I'm also trying to update my other story Another Pikachu.

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