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Todoroki's pov*

"Ahhhhh their so cute!!"

Click. Flash.

Click. Flash.

"The fuck? Get the hell away you extras!"

My head slammed onto the couch as the soft surface I was laying on moved away. "Damn you, give it to me!" A groan came from my mouth as I groggily opened my eyes seeing my classmates bickering mostly Bakugou screaming at the others. I stared as Bakugou snatched Mina's phone and all hell seemed to break loose. I was beginning to feel overwhelmed as the room got louder and Bakugou glanced back at me with a slightly worried face. It was only when Aizawas walked into the room pissed about being woken and glaring like non other that the atmosphere went sober. As soon as he left Iida started lecturing everyone doing his weird choppy thing and riling people up more. He may be my friend but goddamn he annoys the hell outta me.

I sighed lightly pulling the hem of Bakugou's shirt. He turned giving his attention to me in which I just stared then directed my vision to the elevator. He nodded grabbing my arm gently and pulling me out of the room and back up to the dorm. Bakugou turned on one of the lamps as I shut the door. And have I ever said how grateful I am for the lamp cause the overhead light hella gives me migraine. Anyways I sat on my own bed as a yawn escaped from my mouth making my eyes water.

Bakugou looked at his phone real quick then looked back at me "I'm sure you're still tired it's like one in the morning and you haven't been sleeping much"

I shook my head but when looking back up to him I saw that one eyebrow raised which seemed to happen when he didn't agree with me.

"Bull shit even as I talk now you can't keep your damn eyes open" the blonde claimed into my bed laying down "Come on." He said.

I bit my bottom lip deciding not to make things harder than they already we're and layed down next to him. I had also remembered the only reason I didn't sleep most of the time was because of the night mares and night terrors which didn't seem to bug me as much when I was in his arms. And even when they did he knew how to defuse the situation and to get me back to sleep. So I drifted off knowing I had safe. He was protecting me.

/Time skip/

Third person*

There was shuffling beside the blonde as Todoroki turned for the fifth time in the last two minutes. Bakugou groaned opening one eye seeing something that made his heart pound. The smaller male laid beside him squeezing Bakugou's shirt in his fist and snoring softly. His confidence came to play as he thought to himself yep that's my cute boyfriend and a smirk tugged on his lips. They had now been dating for about four days now ever since they discovered they were mates. It hadn't been announced yet but it was somewhat obvious to all their classmates just by how close they had become not to mention they had over heard some of Bakugou's flirting through the week.

Gently he removed his arms from around the omega and sat up pulling his out of Todoroki's grip. He stood up stretching all his muscles and hearing all the satisfying pops. From there he went to the bathroom taking a quick shower and carrying on with his morning routine.


Todoroki tossed more after the alpha had left. He just couldn't get comfortable. He reached out to hug Bakugou but his arm simply fell making him jump up quickly. The omega looked around the room as he rubbed one eye with his fist.

What cha worried he abandoned you or something?

Todoroki shook his head not exactly expecting the voice as he had quieted down the last few days but here he was back to torment him again.

"He wouldn't do that besides he lives here" he whispered to himself.

Well how do you know maybe he dropped out just so he wouldn't have to see your ugly ass.

"His stuff is still here"

Oh right. Soo how you feeling bout today bet you're ecstatic.

"What are you talking about?"

Do you not remember? Come on you get to see your old best friend.

Todoroki's eyes widened, he had forgotten "Aito." he whispered.

Yep and there's no backing out your stuck. Unless you want everyone knowing that the number two hero's son is a omega.

The boys head hung down a bit "I'm not his son anymore"

Oh yeah he didn't want you...can't say I blame him I mean can you?

A tear rolled down shoto's cheek as he shook his head "No."

Just then the bathroom door opened Bakugou walking out still drying his hair with a towel. "You talking to someone?" He asked look around the room expecting to see one of his classmates.

Todoroki quickly wiped the salty liquid off his face "N..no"

The blond immediately noticed the other on the verge of tears and threw the towel he had been using on his own bed before walking over to the other embracing him in his arms. "What's wrong?" He asked his voice showing sincerity and worry.

Something was triggered in Todo cause the tear just came pouring out.

You're being weak again.


A burden.

"Shut up" Todoroki's knuckles have become white from how tight he was squeezing Bakugou's shirt.

You think I'm going to stop no not until you can admit the truth. No one actually cares about you they just pity you. They know your weak and ugly. You're repulsive.

"P..please stop, leave me alone"

The blonde before him eyes widened as he had figured out what was going on. At first he thought the other was talking to him but he wasn't as he knew now. He pulled away cupping Todoroki's face in his hands to make him look at him. Though his eyes were squeezed shut.

"Hey look at me."

No reply.


"Nod if you can hear me, okay?"

He had to wait a few seconds but surely the boy nodded opening his eyes.

"Good, now focus on me. I'm real. I'm sitting right infront of you. That voice is just in your head and it's lying to you."

Todoroki looked at him before shaking his head hesitantly "N..no it's tell...ing the truth that why it hurts"

Bakugou didn't respond he just pulled the male back and hugged him tightly. He hated how low his self esteem was. He can't see his own beauty. Bakugou just wished Todoroki could see what the blonde saw. Cause Todoroki was the cutest person he knew. With he heteochromatic eyes and dual color hair and his perfect peach skin that was finally going back to it's normal color.

They stayed quiet, Todoroki played with Bakugou's hair trying to calm himself until Todoroki pushed away wiping his eyes. He had decided what he needed to do. He was sick of keeping things to himself.

"Bakugou" he said getting the attention of the other. "Someone's been threatening me."


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