Marriage? Fuck No!

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Third person*

For once Todoroki had a peaceful sleep, he couldn't remember the last time he woke up not crying, shaking, or with half of his room covered in ice. He woke still cuddled up to Bakugou.

Slowly sliding his eyes open, he blushed a bit at the position they were in. With Todoroki snuggled closely to him and Bakugou's arms wrapped protectively around the other. "Bakugou?" He whispered checking to see if he was still awake.

With no reply Todoroki slid out of his grip and crawled off the bed. He walked over to were he had dropped his phone the night before picking up the small device and being blinded by it when he turned it on. After blinking a few times and getting used to the brightness he looked at the time 5:31 the time read, around two and a half hours before school started. It was the perfect time for him to sneak out since no one should be awake and he definitely didn't plan on letting Bakugou know he was going back to his father. If he let that happen Bakugou would probably try and stop him and that would only result in more punishment for Todoroki.

He shuffled around the room finding an outfit that hadn't been destroyed by "training" yet, though he had no idea why he bothered since he knew this one would end up like all the others. Shoto threw on the clothes then brushed through his hair quickly with his fingers walking into the bathroom to do his makeup, again a waste of effort but his father hated when he showed his bruises in public.

The last time his father was able to spot a bruise from training through Todoroki's makeup was months ago after returning home from school and it didn't end well. His father kept screaming at him for going out into public like that and saying he was trying to ruin his reputation, that day Todoroki could've ended up dead if it weren't for Natsuo who was home at the time.

Shoto finished covering up the last bruise then walked out of the bathroom grabbing his phone which he had placed on the charger. He had planned on getting out of the room without a sound though of course as he opened the door it decided to make a loud annoying creaking sound. Todoroki eyes shot behind him when he heard the bed shuffling a bit but luckily Bakugou hadn't woken up but instead fallen over into a laying position.

He shook his head before opening the door the rest of the way and walking all the way out of the building making sure to avoid the kitchen.

He didn't exactly feel like calling Takahashi and making her come all the way to pick him up so in the end he opted for walking in the cold weather, now beginning to regret not grabbing Bakugou's hoodie. He didn't want to walk all the way to his house either. Partly because he didn't want to go home in the first place and the other part being he already felt miserable, it actually hurt for him to walk. He feared how it would feel walking back to school after the training today.

By the time he had actually entered his house it was around 6:16 and it was completely silent.

"Father? Fuyumi?" He called out loud but he was unanswered. He decided he would wait in his room until someone came home so he walked to his room with nothing in hand since he knew full well he wouldn't be staying overnight.

It had been almost three hours before he heard the front door open. He spent all that time scrolling through the media and trying his best to ignore the multiple texts he got from Bakugou. He got off of his bed, silently creeping into the kitchen to see his father on the talking to someone on the phone.

"Father? You wanted to talk to..." the alpha sent a harsh glare across the room making Shoto quiet down immediately.

"Go sit on the couch I'll talk to you when I'm done on the phone" endeavor hissed pulling the phone away from his ear. Todoroki nodded turning on his heels and walking to the couch.

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