New Dorm

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Bakugou's pov*

"Shut the fuck up shitty hair"

What is with these guys today? It's 6 in the morning, why the hell are they so damn hyper?

"Oh come on Bakugou aren't you excited to see the new dorms" Dunce face chirped from beside me.

"No, who the hell gets excited about a room?"

"Us" the rest of the bakusqaud replied at the exact same time.

I should have seen that coming.

All of class 1a or at least almost all of class 1a were waiting for their lazy teacher infront of the school dorms.

"Hey have you guys seen Todoroki?" Round face asked looking side to side.

"No, maybe he's just running late" one of the extras said from behind me. This was Momo.

"But Todoroki's never late" Deku said getting worried "Infact normally he's early"

Well damn Deku not everyone can constantly be on time.

"I'm sorry, I really was just running behind today" I heard Icy Hots voice from right behind me.

What the fuck when did he get there!?!?

I turned my body to face him. (More like tried to snap my neck to see him)  I've never seen him wear a beanie. It kinda looks good on him not that I'd tell him that.

As soon as we met eyes he looked of to the side walking away. Is he avoiding me?

As he walked away a noticed him adjusting the hat and feeling the back of it. My eyebrow raised watching him walk to Deku and the other extras. I should keep a closer eye on him.

Todoroki's pov*

"Todoroki your late" Iida announced chopping through the air. Then he continued scolding me about being on time and the seriousness of tardiness.

"Come on Iida it's not that big of a deal" Midoriya said from beside me waving his hands infront of his face with a nervous smile. 

"Yeah, give him a break. Everyone's late once and a while" I heard Jirou say from a little away.

Iida pushed up his glasses looking away "I suppose you are correct, I'll let you off the hook but try not to let it happen again"

I nodded my head then turned my head to see Midoriya looking at me strangely "Hey Todoroki why were you so late in the first place and whats with the hat?" He asked tilting his head slightly.

"Oh it was nothing" I scratched the back of my head "My older sister had an emergency and I helped her"

"And uhhh"

Why am I wearing the hat?

"Im having a bad hair day" I lied.

Well that's not hard to believe your hair constantly looks bad split ends, and so greasy.

Midoriya looked unconvinced until he gave me a smile "Okay, as long as your alright"

I nodded my head giving him a fake smile "I'm fine"

'Im fine'

Am I really trying to convince Midoriya that or am I trying to convince myself?

Am I really fine?

I can feel Bakugou's eyes on me. Why won't he believe me like Midoriya? Why can't I feed him my lies and leave it be?

"Ok class quite down" Aizawa spoke in his normal tired tone. Next to him stood Nezu "As I'm sure you are aware, the dorms were completely destroyed and we had a very limited time span to rebuild." Nezu stated the obvious "Due to that small time limit we were only able to build half the dorms as before which means you'll be sharing with a roommate"

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