It's all my fault

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What do you mean there is no baby?-Zayn said with tears already pooling in his eyes.



Niall was in the kitchen, drinking some tea, trying to relax. He had no idea of what was going upstairs, and he was getting really impatient. It had been more than an hour, but he didn't want to interrupt the boys, they had a lot of things to fix and it was probably going to take lots of time. He was trying to think in all the good ways this could come out. They could all forgive each other and get back together, maybe Harry would change his mind, and they would keep the baby. He knew that would be difficult, Harry was sure about his decision, and if he had been healthy at that moment, he knew nothing would have stopped him to go and get rid of their baby as soon as he could. It wasn't just his physical health, but his mental health. When we are angry or sad we tend to make choices without giving them much thought, thinking they would solve all of our problems in that moment, sometimes it works, but most it doesn't. Most times we regret it, and if we are lucky we can fix it, but there are some others that once you took them there's no going back. And this was one of them, because once the baby was gone, there would be no way of getting it back.

It was scary to begin to love someone in just a few seconds, and how much it can affect your life, how said person or, well, at least the illusion of what that person would become, can make you happier than ever . However it was sad and scarier, to know that one mistake could take away your happiness, someone you already love beyond life and it didn't mattered how much you did, nothing could stop it. Niall had done all in his power to stop it from happening, but it didn't change a thing. That made Niall felt useless, and it was depressing. He could only hope that Louis and Zayn would be able to change that, do what he couldn't.

Well, maybe Niall did one thing, one thing that was very wrong, but he didn't regret it one bit. Niall had lied to Harry; he did call Dr. Mills and asked about the abortion. Dr. Mills told him it was a safe procedure and that Harry would be okay, she would make them an appointment as soon as Harry controlled his nausea and his weight, that way it would be safer. The thing is, Harry had control his nausea with the medicine really fast, and was already gaining a little weight. He called again four days later to see if it was fine now, and Dr. Mills told him that it was okay now. But Niall didn't told Harry, hoping he would regret it. Or maybe the boys would be back and Harry would be happy again and change his mind. He knew what he did was wrong, but he was just buying time. And if things hadn't change in two weeks he would tell Harry and they would go together to get the abortion. If he was lucky, there would be no need.

Niall! - a scream filled with fear and anguish was heard from upstairs. Niall dropped his mug and ran upstairs in fear. Something had happened and many thoughts went through his mind. Harry had hit one of them, which wouldn't be so bad. Harry was getting morning sickness; maybe he was stressing too much and they couldn't calm him; he could have passed out. He could be bleeding and they had to take him to the hospital. As more and more thoughts came to mind, he began freaking out. It's incredible how much things you can think of in the span of 10 seconds. All the images that pop in your head. Every single one worse than the one before.

He didn't know what was he expecting to find when we busted the door open, but the picture in his mind was far more dramatic. But everyone was fine, at least physically, but the atmosphere in the room was pretty tense. Harry was looking down with a frown, Zayn was crying and Louis had a sad look. Both Zayn and Louis had guilt filled expressions. Yup, something bad had happened, and he was already guessing what it was, and in broke him to know that no even them could change Harry's decision. He turned to look at them with a defeated expression, ready to cry at any second.

-What does he mean? There's no baby? What happened?-Louis asked as a tear finally made his way down his cheek


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