Make it all better

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The biggest smile Louis had seen in Zayn's face past days appeared in his face, which made Louis smile too. Zayn didn't have to be told twice, he quickly grabbed the little stuff they had in the hotel and headed with Louis back home.

They cheeked out from the hotel, and took a cab to the house. Zayn was so excited, that he was practically jumping in his seat. Louis tried to make him calm, but he knew his attempts were useless. He was pretty happy too; he was finally going to see Niall and Harry after a week. Hopefully, Liam would be there too, and they could all say sorry together and things would all be better. They would all be fathers. They were going to have a baby, and it was one of the most amazing feelings in life. He couldn't wait to watch Harry's belly grow, to feel the baby kick; find out the gender, watch Harry get more and more beautiful by the day. Then, when the pregnancy came to an end, he would hold his baby; watch Harry feed him for the first time, watch all of his boyfriends interacting with the baby. It would be amazing, they would add more love to the family, complete the family. Ok, maybe it wouldn't be complete; perhaps in the future they would give the baby some siblings. The more Louis thought about it, he became more and more excited.

But he was also worried. He had hurt both Harry and Niall, and probably Zayn too. He regretted everything that had happened from that moment, and he would understand if Harry didn't forgive him at the moment. That would break his heart, but he was ready to take anything they threw at him, and will make everything he could to gain their forgiveness, even if it meant beg and humiliate himself. Yeah, he was willing to do anything, at the end; it was his entire fault, and his responsibility to fix it.

Next to him, Zayn was having similar thoughts. Zayn had realized his mistake by the third they he left, and the same thoughts that were going through Louis' head at the moment, had already been through Zayn's head. All the possibilities for their future family; all that would happen in the pregnancy; meeting their baby and many more things. He had also thought about how much he had screwed it up, and the way he was going to amend it. But he tried not to give it much thought, after all, he had tortured himself enough the last few days. More than anything, he was exited right now, he had missed the others way too much, and he just needed to see them and the mere thought of seeing then was making him all giddy.

That's how all the drive back to the house went, no words were spoken, but there was no need to. They knew the other was feeling the same.




Niall was in the kitchen, preparing some breakfast. He decided to make pancakes with fruit and jam. He was trying his best to put as many calories in Harry's body as he could. He had given him quite a scare already, and he wasn't sure if he could handle another one. He had his earplugs on, listening to some music. It made him feel better; it was a way to forget about everything just for a moment and try to enjoy the melody, blocking himself of all his problems.

Niall was in his little world, so he didn't hear the door being opened and footsteps in the house. Louis and Zayn had arrived, and noticed the house was extremely quiet. They got a little worried, thinking that maybe Niall and Harry had left, but they quickly dismissed it when they saw both their keys in the bowl. They start searching in the dining room and the living room, but there was no one in there. 'Maybe they are still sleeping' both of them thought, and then they heard something moving in the kitchen. They quickly directed there. When they arrived, they saw Niall putting some pancakes on a plate and preparing them with jam, strawberries, bananas, cherries and blueberries. Niall was immersed in his own world, and he hadn't noticed the boy's presence. Louis found that weird, since they hadn't been exactly quit, but then Zayn pointed to his ears and Louis noticed the headphones he had on. He understood now, Niall had always been like that, listening to music and separating himself from the world and living in his own, they had always loved that about him. He didn't gave it that much more thought, because in that moment Niall looked up and gasped, covered his mouth with one hand, grabbing the table for support with the other.

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