What do you mean...?

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They nodded and took the plate and a glass with water, gave Niall a small peck on the lips and directed upstairs. They stopped right in front of the door that directed to their bedroom, preparing themselves for what they would find on the other side of the door. They took one last breath and opened the door stepping inside.



It's horrible really, to find a person you love feeling bad. It doesn't matter if it just a headache, a broken arm, is sick or sad for any reason. But it's much worse when you were the one who caused said feeling. When you love someone, one of your main priorities is to make sure that person is as happy as possible, and keep them from as much pain as you can so when you hurt that person, who at some point you swore to protect, you feel as the worse human being on earth. When you do this you have a few options 1) forget about it and keep going with your life as if nothing had ever happened 2) getting away from the person to keep them from any more pain you could possibly cause 3) try to amend your mistake, never repeat it again, and making that person's life better.

Zayn and Louis were glad the both picked their third option, and Niall was glad they did. He didn't want to feel bad for them, but he did. He knew what it was like, to hurt someone you love. He had done it at some point of his life, just as everyone else in the world, and the feeling is not pleasant, but he had fixed it. He was never one to simply forget his problems or escape from them, and less if some other person feelings were affected by his actions. He had always been sure all his boyfriends were like that, all of them to caring to simply leave a person in pain from their actions, but after he didn't see them for almost a week, he started to believe he was wrong all the time about them. They came back, they took some time, but they did. Sadly, this time the pain they inflicted was simply too much, and he saw in their eyes how the guilt was eating them alive, and he felt bad for them, he was just hoping Harry would forgive them, because he couldn't live without any of them, and if Harry didn't want to see them anymore, it would be impossible for him to keep going in the relationship without any of them.



When Louis and Zayn entered the room, their hearts broke immediately. All they could see on the bed was a lump between the sheets shaking, and they could hear the faint sound of sobbing. They were pretty sure Niall didn't told them the whole truth, since apparently Harry didn't just cried himself to sleep, but rather was crying all day. He probably wasn't showering daily, and they would be surprised, seeing as Niall told them he had been forcing Harry to eat. They thought they were prepared to see Harry and keep themselves together, but they were proven wrong, when their eyes begin pooling with tears.

-Go away Niall, I'm not hungry. But I'm taking a shower in a while, so don't worry too much- they heard a soft hoarse voice coming from under the sheets, probably due to the amount of crying he had been doing. After a few minutes when Harry didn't heard footsteps leaving nor approaching he talked once again- Please Niall, I want to be alone.

-Sorry love, we are not leaving anywhere, at least, not until you eat everything in the plate- Zayn said with a frown. So this was what Niall had been facing all these days? Complete rejection? No wonder why he seemed so broken.

As soon as the words left Zayn's mouth, they saw the sheets moving and Harry's face emerged from under them. They both gasped when they finally saw him, it was worse that they thought. Harry had his eyes red from crying, there were bags under his eyes, he seemed really place, his hair was a disaster, and his curls weren't as pretty as they usually were.

-Louis? Zayn? - He asked disbelievingly. - Fuck! Always the same- the boys shared confused looks when Harry lied on the bed and covered with his sheets again- I get it ok, they're not coming back. Please, I don't want to keep having the same dreams, its pure torture- he whispered to the air- always believing they are back, only to find an empty bed when I wake up. I can't do it anymore, it hurts- Harry finally finished his little speech, probably trying to convince whatever force of nature that was controlling his dreams, to make them stop.

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