Apologizing won't bring him back

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When he got in the living room he found like three suitcases, some bags and boxes on the floor, but no one was there. He heard something moving behind him and turned to look.

It was someone pulling a big box, not looking at Harry, not even noticing his presence. Maybe he wasn't looking at Harry, but Harry would recognize the back of that head anywhere.





Liam heard a soft voice behind him, the voice he had been missing the most these last week. Of course, he had been missing the others, and he felt bad about leaving all of them behind. The thing was, that although he did left all of his boyfriends, it was way worse with Harry, because he actually left after he found out something concerning Harry. Well, it concerned all of them but...well, now he was overthinking stuff.

The point was, that he needed to apologize to Harry, he felt so bad about what he did, and he wish he hadn't do it. Sadly, there was no way of going back, but he could still apologize and make things better.

"Harry!" Liam said excitedly as he turned to look at the source of that voice. And there he was, looking surprised. Liam could see tears forming in his eyes, so he ran to hug him. "Oh my god Harry, I've miss you so much, you have no idea. I'm so sorry baby, I'm such an asshole an idiot, but don't worry, my mom already scolded me. She even slapped, well, of course, I'm an idiot, everyone should slap me, and I bet at least one of the guys wants to punch me. I'm rambling, that's not important right now, what's important is your health. How have you been? Are your morning sickness better? Have you passed out again?" Liam asked as he grabbed Harry's face between both his hands, looking directly into his eyes, seeing tears running fast down his face.

"It's really you? You came back" Harry said, still shocked about seeing Liam "Are you staying?" he said looking down, with the saddest tone of voice that Liam had heard to this moment in their lives.

"Hey, hey. Don't be sad, I'm sorry, I was an idiot. I don't know why I did that, I guess I was just shocked. It still doesn't justify it, but I swear none of this was because of you." Liam said bringing Harry's head to his chest, letting him cry freely.

"Harry! Are you okay? Harry where you are?" they heard Louis yelling from upstairs. Liam's head snapped up, but Harry stayed in his place. He had missed Liam's arms around him.

"Harry, seriously, you have to stop disappearing like that" this time it was Niall yelling, and they heard footsteps coming downstairs.

"Oh my god Harry, if you are going to leave like that, at least wake-" Zayn's voice died as he watched the scene in front of him. He stood there gobsmacked, the other to doing the same as him.

"Liam?" Niall said with tears in his eyes.

"Hi Niall" Liam said with a small smile

"Go hug them, I know you want to. They have missed you so much too" Harry said talking into Liam's chest and pulling away afterwards. Liam gave him a kiss and went to hug the others. Niall practically ran into his arms.

"God Liam, I missed you so much. I felt so lost without you. How could you? You knew we needed you" he said turning to look at Liam, and Liam could see how betrayed Niall had felt with his actions.

"I'm sorry, I know, I have no reasons for what I did. My mom already told me, she slapped me, even call me an idiot"

"You deserve it" came Louis voice

"I'm sorry Lou" Liam said letting go of Niall and going to hug Louis. Niall quickly ran to envelope Harry in his arms.

"No, I can't forgive you" Liam's expression broke, he knew this could happing, he was just hoping it wouldn't "I can't even forgive myself. I wouldn't be able to forgive Zayn, but I know he regretted it immediately, but he didn't want to leave me alone" Louis said clinging to Liam.

"What are you talking about?" Liam said feeling now confused instead of sad.

"You left, and then I...I...Zayn just-" he couldn't form properly words, he was once again crying his eyes out. It seemed like that was all they had been doing lately. "...and now the baby..." now Liam was not only confused, he was extremely worried.

"What do you mean? What happened to the baby?" Liam said, trying to get something out of Louis. Louis only looked at him, then at the others helplessly, before untangling himself from Liam and joining Harry and Niall.

"Zayn?" Liam said turning to look at the boy who hadn't spoken since he arrived "Can I get I hug?" Liam asked with a little smile. Zayn turned to look at him, and Liam opened his arms, hoping the boy would just jump in his arms like the others, but he received a slap instead. Liam was completely shocked, he knew he deserved it, but it still took him by surprise "What-"

"-was that for?" Zayn completed Liam's questions "Are you serious? I mean, it seems pretty obvious doesn't it. You left! You, always getting mad at us for the smallest things in the world, like leaving our laundry unfolded, or misplacing our shoes not answering when we go out. You always tell us that we are irresponsible, you always believing you are so responsible. I always believe that to, I guess we all have been proven wrong" Zayn said with anger. Liam could see that he was very mad, and he felt so bad about it, that he could only concentrate in that. The other boys however, could see that behind that, Zayn was more hurt than anything.

"I'm sorry"

"Apologizing won't solve anything!" he yelled at Liam, who flinched at Zayn's actions "Apologizing won't bring him back" Zayn whispered to himself, as tear star pouring down his face. But Liam was close, and heard Zayn.

"Won't bring who back?" once again Liam was very confused. He remembered Louis words 'You left, and then I...I...Zayn just...and now the baby...' "Something happened to the baby?" he asked more to himself than anything.

This statement was followed by three loud sobs and more tears coming from Louis', Niall's and Zayn's eyes, but not Harry's.




I'm really sorry for taking so long guys, and I'm sorry that this chapter was so short.

I do have a reason for it. I had a hard couple of weeks. I had exams week, plus my collage exam. I also have a school project that determins if I graduate or not, and the topic I chose is proving to be very challenging.

On the other side, I have a dance presentation and I'm going to be a dancer at a musical, so things are a bit hetic right now.

On the good side, I got into collage :) only 6 persons of my state got in, and you have no idea of how relieved I feel right now.

Yeah, and also I was really sad about Zayn leaving, I had a hard time dealing with it. But hey, I hope he feels better, and that he is happy, I hope you are to.

I'm trying to orginize my schedule, and I'll be trying to update at least once every two weeks.

I'm really sorry about the wait.

Have a nice day :)

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