Please, don't!

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-Excuse me, our what?!

-Yes sirs, it’s more than clear-he turned to look at Harry- congratulations! It’s a healthy baby, for what I can see. I’ll say you are about 7 weeks, which explain all your symptoms. It’s normal so there’s not much to worry about. However, your morning sickness is really bad, I mean, it got to the point of you passing out, we have to treat that if we don’t want you or the baby to have a problem.

Harry nodded, barely registering everything happening around him. He felt a hand squishing his. He turned to look at the owner of the hand and found Niall staring at the doctor, hanging at every word ‘at least someone is paying attention’ he thought.

-…avoiding stress is important too. So I’m giving you you’re prescription and that’s about it-Niall nodded taking everything in. Here, have some paper towels to clean yourself.

It was obvious to Niall that nobody could pay attention in this moment. Everybody was at different stages of shock, he on the other side, took the news pretty well. Harry could even process his surroundings; Zayn looked simply out of it, just like Liam; but Louis, it was different. When Niall took a peak at him he could see a frown on his face, and he was looking at Harry. But it wasn’t a nice sweet look, no. He was glaring at Harry, and he seemed angry.

He didn’t much time to think about it, because the doctor was handing him a paper, clearly noticing he was the only one that had his mind in that moment.

-Ok, here’s his prescription of prenatal vitamins and something for the morning sickness

-Thanks-he said taking the paper

-Would you like a picture of the ultrasound?-the doctor said eyeing all of them

-Could you give us one for each one please?-Niall said seeing as his other boyfriends wouldn’t say anything.

The doctor left the room for a few minutes and came back with five pictures, handed one for each of the man- So, this is it for the day. You can take make a call in the week to make your next appointment or discuss anything you want, any question or if Harry doesn’t get better with the medication, don’t be afraid to call.

-Thanks, for everything- said Niall shaking the doctor’s hand, he went to help Harry off the table and to walk out the door, since Niall noticed he couldn’t walk on his own. The others followed, all shaking the doctor’s hand, mumbling a soft ‘thanks’ and walking out of the door.

In all the way to the van Niall couldn’t stop thinking about Harry. He was dead worried, he saw how he reacted to the news, and he evidently didn’t take the news well. But that’s not about what he was concerned the most about. He saw the reactions of the others, especially Louis’. Harry was a very sensitive man, and Niall knew that Harry had noticed the others reactions and Niall could see in Harry’s distressed expression that he wasn’t taking it well.

The news shocked Niall too, and he wasn’t sure what to think. But he knew one thing, he wasn’t supposed to in him at the moment. In the end, he wasn’t the one that found out he had a little thing growing inside of him. No, not a thing. A baby. Their baby.

When they were on the street they all suddenly stopped and looked at each other. Niall could feel the tension lingering in the air, and he felt Harry tense up next to him. He turned to him and tried to calm him by whispering sweet nothings to him. Harry finally calmed himself down and looked up.

He wasn’t sure if he was ready for the looks he received from all at his boyfriends. He found care in Niall’s eyes; confusion in Liam´s; indifference in Zayn’s. But what shocked him the most was what he found in Louis’, sweet loving Louis, who always took care of Harry. All Harry could see in his eyes was anger.

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