It's okay not to know

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"So, tomorrow then, I'll go after we talk to Harry. Would any of you care to join me?" Liam asked looking at the three men, all of them avoiding his stare "Please guys, I really don't want to face them alone" he said as he looked at them pleadingly.

"I'll go with you, they'll probably be calmer with us two" said Zayn.

"So, it's settle. We'll go after we talk Harry about it. I don't think he'll have a problem with it, he just hate dealing with management"

"For now, let's just go lay down with Harry okay" said Louis standing up.

"That's the best idea you've had in a while" said Niall while he and the other also stood up and went to their room.




"Hazza, wake up babe, it's already past 10" was the first thing Harry heard in the morning. But he really didn't wanted to wake up, he was exhausted. That, and he remembered exactly what happened at the clinic, and he didn't felt ready to face his boyfriends.

"No, let me sleep Niall." Harry said wrapping himself further in the sheets.

"Okay darling, but I'll come back in a while, you need to eat or you'll get sick again" he said kissing his head over the sheets.

Niall's mood had improved since Liam gave the the news earlier that morning. Despiste that, he was still worries as Hell for Harry, but he really couldn't dwell much con that, things would continue  yo happen. Still, he would keep checking con Harry all the time.

" I'll go get him a little later, he's tired"

"Doesn't want to face reality is more likely"

"My sentiments exactly Louis. But we justo have to give  him some time, come to us when he feels like it, so he doesn't feel pressure to do something he's not ready for yet. And if that means we have to postpone going to management, that's what we'll have to do" Liam said looking directly at Louis.

"I know. I'm just worried about him, you know?"

"We all are Louis, just try to be relaxed, it'll be easier for him if we deal better than him with this" Zayn said putting his hand on Louis knee.




When Harry woke up he was starving, but he wasn't ready to face the other boys. He knew they were worried and everything but he still didn't felt completely right about the decision but truth be told,he didn't felt good about the abortion either, it was even worse watching what it did to all the boys, especially Niall.

But he couldn't avoid that forever, he just had to come to terms with what he choose, and he was sure that this was keeping the baby. He just couldn't bring himself to hurt his boys that much, and at certain level, even if he really still wasn't really feeling all paternal or he didn't love the baby yet, that didn't meant that it couldn't happen over time.

With that thought, Harry got out of bed and went downstairs to eat and finally face the boys.

"What did you prepared for today?" he said, his voice still groggy from sleeping.

Four faces turned to look at him.


"So, what did you guys prepared today? I'm starving"

"Just a sandwich and a salad today love, sorry, didn't felt like making something extra hard today." Niall said putting the food in front of Harry' sit.

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