I'm sorry...I love you

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It had been six days since they found out harry was pregnant, since the boys left and Niall had been left alone with Harry. It had been horrible. Niall didn’t know what to do anymore. He was exhausted, not like physically exhausted, but emotionally. Still Niall didn’t let it affect him, Harry needed him, and so he couldn’t just have a break down, because nobody would take care of Harry.

From that day Harry curled up in the bed they all shared, and spent all day crying or sleeping. He didn’t do anything all day, it was like someone had sucked all the happiness in him. Niall was extremely worried, not only for Harry, but the baby too.

When he found out about the news, Niall had actually been really happy. Sure, none of them had brought the subject up by this moment, but now that it was happening, he was thrilled. That was until he saw the expressions on the others, and couldn’t even smile, knowing that it probably wasn’t the best idea in that moment.  So the only thing he did was entwined his fingers with Harry’s and show him that he would be there for him the whole time.

Niall was really surprised about the way things turned. Never in a million years had he imagined that he would be the one in this position. He loved all of them, of course, and he didn’t plan on leaving them anytime soon. But apparently, they had made that decision for him. Niall was the least responsible of them, and the most likely to run away from a hard situation. Or at least that’s how he had always viewed himself.

When Liam was the first to go away, he was astonished; he was the responsible one, he would always taking care of them, and he always accepted the consequences of his acts, he wasn’t the kind of person to just run away from his problems. Zayn, sweet caring Zayn; yeah, maybe he was the quiet one, but they could all feel the love he had from them with every small gesture Zayn did. He hated seeing them in pain, any kind of pain, so he just tried to protect them from any harm, and when that wasn’t possible, he was the first to try and make it all better. And then it was Louis, Harry’s first love. To be honest he was the one that had shocked Niall the most, and not only that, Niall was completely angry at Louis now; he never imagined that Louis would leave willingly from Harry’s side, they had started the whole thing between them, and even thought Niall knew they all love the others the same, Harry and Louis had been together the longest. At the end, that meant something especial, and it would be hard to just give it up.

Yeah, Niall was sad, and felt a lonely and lost without them, and of course he misses them. But above anything, there was one emotion that overpowered any other emotion that he had: anger. Niall was furious with the three of them. Liam, being the responsible one, shouldn’t have left, because staying was the right thing to do; Zayn didn’t stand the idea of someone hurting his boyfriends, but that didn’t gave him the right to hurt them himself, plus, he had little sisters, so he knew some stuff about babies; Louis, Louis had tons of sisters, and he had always helped taking care of them. He loved children and he had always wanted one himself. So what had changed?

Oh yeah, Niall was beyond mad for the way they acted, but he was particularly angry with Louis. Yes, the others had left, and that was bad; but Louis, he had insulted Harry, he had called him a ‘slut’. They all knew that was a sensitive subject for Harry, being the one that had always being attacked by media from the girlfriends he had (of course, before their relationship became public), and always accuse him of cheating. Of course none of the boys believe that, but that didn’t mean those things didn’t affected Harry. More than once they had found him crying over a new rumor, or a magazine filled with bullshit about Harry.

Yeah, he was mad. But that didn’t changed the fact that he misses them like crazy, all that, and seeing Harry completely broken was taking its toll on him. Niall was trying his best to take care of Harry, but Harry didn’t wanted being taken care of. Everyday Niall made Harry to take his pills, and luckily they had worked. Harry hadn’t had any morning sickness, so at least he could finally keep his food inside. The problem was that Harry wasn’t eating anymore, unless Niall forced him to. Yeah, maybe Harry wasn’t gaining weight, but he wasn’t loosing anymore either, so that was a plus.

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