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-Of course he is! At least I hope...- Zayn said. With that they all went upstairs to help Harry out of the bath, all holding to the hopes of Liam crossing that door in no more than four days.



And the days passed, the guys never left Harry's side. Not even to go to the store, they ate together; went to bed together, watched TV together and nap together. One of them even showered with Harry, afraid of leaving him alone, afraid that he would feel alone. That wasn't it; they needed to know he was there, that he wasn't leaving. That the baby was still there.

It was getting harder by the day, to know that soon that wouldn't be true anymore. Both Louis and Zayn found Niall talking to Harry's belly during one of his multiple naps. Niall was extremely embarrassed, but his embarrassment faded away when both guys smiled and went to do the same.

It had become something that they all did when Harry was sleeping. They were very careful to not wake Harry, it would do no good.

-Hi baby, I'm Zayn one of your daddies. I hope your good in there. I can't wait to meet you cupcake

-Hi baby, it's Louis. Are you getting all strong and beautiful in there? I bet you are, there's no way you are not beautiful with two of us as your parents you are sure to be one of the most perfect human beings on earth.

-Yup, plus, you'll have an amazing voice and will probably be really smart. I'll tech you to paint, daddies Louis and Niall will teach you to play guitar and dada Harry will teach you to cook.

-But more important than anything. We are never, ever leaving you, never again. Your daddies where dumb heads, but I promise we'll try our best to not mess up again.-Louis finished and gave the belly a little peck.

Harry stirred, which made both men scramble away as fast as they could, pretending to just be sleeping next to him, Zayn spooning him and Louis hugging his waist and reaching to touch Zayn too.

Harry woke up and turned to look at both "sleeping" lovers with a fond smile. He begin playing with Louis' hair and rubbing Zayn's arm.

-Louis, Zayn. Wake up; I need to go to the bathroom.-he whispered caressing Louis's cheek. Louis opened his eyes, soon followed by Zayn, both smiling at the curly haired.

-Morning babe- Louis said giving Harry a peck on the lips.

-Had a good sleep? - Zayn asked and moved to peck Harry's lips too.

-I had, and I'd love to stay here longer, but I really have to pee. - Both of them took their arms from Harry and let him go to the bathroom.

They waited just a little and Harry was back, snuggling back in bed, getting comfortable between both lads. He none of them were sleepy anymore, but they felt too good lying on the bed, none of them wanted to move.

-Where's Niall? Why isn't he in bed?-asked Harry noticing Niall's absence

-He's making breakfast. He doesn't trust us to make something healthy, and I guess he's right. He normally doesn't make healthy food, that's normally up to you and Liam, but I guess he's taking that job for now- Zayn said softly, snuggling more against Harry's back.

-But it's too early, he should be in bed with us-Harry whined

-Harry, It's almost 1pm- Louis said

-What?! I slept almost 12 hours


-Why didn't you guys wake me?

-You seemed really content, so why bother you?

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