Something wrong? (Zianourry mpreg)

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Harry woke up that morning early with the urge to throw up. He was in the bed with his 4 boyfriends Louis was in the center, Harry and Zayn one on each side of him; Liam was next to Zayn and Niall next to Harry. Harry tried to control his nausea, but with no success, so, without previous warning he pushed Niall of the bed and ran to the bathroom to empty the contents of his stomach.

Niall woke up startled and mad, but his anger soon faded away when he heard his youngest boyfriend vomiting in the bathroom. He ran to his boyfriend's side and grabbed his hair while he rubbed softly his back.

-It's okay Harry, you're okay- Niall whispered. In that moment Liam appeared at the door rubbing his lungs eyes.

-What's wrong?

-Harry doesn't feel good-

In that moment Harry stopped vomiting and looked up. -I hate being sick- he said and put his head against Niall shoulder

-I know honey, I'm sorry- Niall said softly- here, let me help you and you can go back to bed- he got up, and helped Harry do the same.

-What do you reckon it was? Maybe a stomach bug, or something that you ate?-Liam said, looking sadly at his boyfriend while he brushed his teeth

-I don't think so, we have been eating the same stuff, I haven't been eating out recently. -Harry said as soon as he finished.

-Well, maybe it was a one time thing, but if it happens again we're taking you to the doctor - Liam said firmly while he hugged Harry

-I'm sure that with a little rest, you're gonna be more than fine- said Niall, kissing Harry's head and directing him and Liam back to bed.

When they entered the room they saw that both Zayn and Louis were already awake. They put Harry back to bed and they all got out of the room to let Harry rest.

-What's wrong with Harry?- asked Zayn concerned.

-He's just a little sick, but I'm sure it's nothing major- Niall said

-He looked like he felt really bad- Louis said feeling a little sad. Nobody liked seeing Harry feeling bad. He was a happy guy, plus, he was like their baby, the youngest of em' all. None of them felt good when one of the others was sad of mad.

-Well, there's nothing we can do about it at the moment, so I suggest we go to the kitchen and prepare a light breakfast, since he obviously can't prepare anything at the moment and his stomach probably won't hold anything heavy.- Liam said as he went downstairs to begin cooking

-Liam is right guys, let's just let him rest, we won't disturb him downstairs.- Zayn said and followed Liam

With one last glance at their sleeping boyfriend, both Louis and Niall left to the kitchen.





One hour later they were all eating breakfast, just some fruit and toast, when they heard footsteps going down the stairs. They all looked to the entrance of the of the kitchen and there stood Harry, looking way better than an hour ago- Morning- he said happily

-It seem like you feel better- Zayn said amused. It made them all really happy that their boyfriend felt better.

-I do, but I'm really not hungry - Harry said

-Yeah, I figured. But please eat at least some fruit, you can't go all day without something in you- Louis said as he pushed a plate of fruit in front of Harry- plus, we have an interview today at 5:00, so you better eat and then we can all shower and maybe watch a movie before we have to leave.

-But I really don't want anything- Harry said as he pushed his plate back

-Oh come on, please Harry, for me?- Zayn said as he batted his eyelashes and pouted

-Ugh! Fine, but just because I love you.- Harry said and started to eat his fruit slowly. Everyone, except Harry, laugh and looked at Harry fondly.





A few hours later they were heading to the place where their interview about their upcoming album was holding. As soon as they got in the van Zayn and Harry felt sleep curled up ito each other. Niall was quick to take a picture, because their boyfriends looked adorable. Still he found something funny- Hey guys!- he whispered yelled, Luis and Liam turned to look at him- don't you think is weird that Harry is sleep, Zayn, sure, but Harry. He normally doesn't fell sleep in the car.

-Don't worry Niall, I'm sure he's just tired from the morning- Louis said trying to ease his blonde boyfriend worries.

-You're probably right, perhaps I'm just over thinking stuff- He said as he stroked Harry's curls. Louis smiled at him and turned to speak to Liam. Maybe Louis was right and he was just exaggerating. Still, Niall had a funny feeling about this situation.




So, here's the first chapter. I know it's short, but if someone is interested in this story I'll try to make my chapters longer.
This is my first story so, I'm sorry if it's bad.
Also, English is not my first lenguaje, so I'm really sorry for any mistakes.
Please coment and tell me what you think about it.
Have a nice day :)

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