It doesn't change anything

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"Apologizing won't solve anything!" he yelled at Liam, who flinched at Zayn's actions "Apologizing won't bring him back" Zayn whispered to himself, as tear star pouring down his face. But Liam was close, and heard Zayn.

"Won't bring who back?" once again Liam was very confused. He remembered Louis words 'You left, and then I...I...Zayn just...and now the baby...' "Something happened to the baby?" he asked more to himself than anything.

This statement was followed by three loud sobs and more tears coming from Louis', Niall's and Zayn's eyes, but not Harry's.




It downed on him like a ton of bricks. The looks of complete sadness on all of his boyfriends faces, the way Harry looked like his mind was somewhere else. The picture itself was horrifying, one simply doesn't want to see the ones he loves sad, so heartbroken.

It was his fault, he didn't knew exactly what had happened, but he was sure that Harry had lost the baby, and it was all his fault. He cause so much stress on him, that his body simply couldn't deal with it and he had lost the baby. That broke Liam completely, he felt so guilty, he had ruin his boyfriends dream, his dream too.

He felt like shit, he was shit. How could he be so selfish? How did he let his fears and feeling ruin life for everyone, especially Harry. God, Harry had always wanted a baby, they all knew that, hell, the world knew that. He wanted one to, and now they wouldn't get their precious baby.

"I'm so sorry Harry!" Liam said breaking down crying there "I'm sorry, please forgive me"

All the boys where staring at Liam confused, especially Harry, not sure about what caused that reaction from him. Maybe he was just apologizing about leaving them when he found out about it.

"I should never have left, maybe if I hand't left you would be fine. God I'm such a horrible person" the boys didn't want Liam to torture himself anymore, at the end, he wasn't the only one who left.

"Liam, hey, it's okay. Of course I forgive you, I understand. Please don't cry." Harry enveloped him in his arms, letting Liam sob in his neck, and put his arms around his waist.

"How can you forgive me? I fucked up big time. " No one knew what was Liam apologizing for. He had already said sorry about leaving, that made sense.

"Liam, stop it, you're not the only responsible one. It's not just your fault"

"But it is. I made you lose our baby" Liam could hear four sharp intakes of breath, followed by tree sobbing boys "God boys, I'm so sorry. If I had know I would have never done it" the boys felt really bad for Liam, not only because he was taking all the blame, but because he clearly had misunderstood everything happening.

Harry felt sympathetic for his boyfriend, well, all his boyfriends. But right now all of them had already accepted everything going on, but Liam was clearly oblivious to all that was going on and that made Harry feel like shit, especially knowing he was taking the blame for something it hadn't even happened.

"Liam, maybe we should all talk upstairs, you look tired, and I, we really need to talk to you" Harry said taking Liam's head out of his neck and making Liam look into his eyes, Liam kept on sobbing like crazy, and it didn't look like he was breathing well "God Liam, at this rate you're going to get blue and dehydrated" Harry tried to joke, but it didn't work well, since all the boys kept sobbing, Liam being the worse "Seriously Liam, I'm getting worried" that seemed to have snapped something into Liam because he began to calm down. "Follow me upstairs, please?" Harry directed first at Liam and then at all the boys, just waiting for them to nod. Once they all did he lead the way upstairs, with his hand around Liam's shoulders the whole time. Once they mede their way into the room they all sit on bed just crying and staring at each other.

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