Babe, wake up!

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Harry woke up to the feeling of his food making its way up his throat. He got up and ran to the bathroom. When he was finished being sick he brushed his teeth and got back to bed.

Ten days had past since the day Harry woke up with the urge to throw up for the first time, it has been the same everyday since that day. His boyfriends hadn't noticed because everyday he woke up really early with strong nausea, got up, emptied his stomach contents, brushed his teeth and went back to bed. He had been sleeping in the end of the bed, to avoid waking any of his boyfriends. An our later he got up from bed and went downstairs to prepare breakfast.

He hated worrying his boyfriends,  that's why was being so careful. But there was one thing he could hide, and that was his lack of appetite. He knew he had been loosing some weight, he wasn't eating much, and was eating mostly fruit. Plus, with all the vomiting he did, he was sure that almost everything that was coming inside of his body, came out.

He was sure his boyfriends had noticed, for the worried looks they shared when he left the table after only eating a plate of fruit, and how their fingers ligered on his ribs just a little longer when they hugged him.

The thing is, that Harry didn't felt sick, at least the first days, but now the lack of food was taking its toll on him, he was feeling weaker by the day, and he was starting to think that he really needed to go to the doctor. He made a mental note to make and apou tent for Saturday, since it was barely Wednesday and they had some importat stuff to do this days.

This day however,  was a little bit different, he was really exausted, so he felt sleep and couldn't wake up to make his boyfriends the breakfast as usual.

Louis was the first one to wake up. He was on the other end  of the bed. He untangled his arms off Niall, sited on the bed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He turned to look at all of his boyfriends with a fond smile. Niall was sleeping with his mouth opened, a little bit of drool coming out of his mouth, one hand was half draped over Liam and he was using his other one as a pillow. Liam was sleeping hugging Niall's hand to his stomach and with his other hand above Zayn. Zayn, well he was looking like an angel, per usual, there was really not much to say. Then his eyes landed on Harry, who was curled up in a little ball. He was a little pale, and his cheekbones where getting more noticeable.

Lou felt really bad for his little Harry,  so he thought that maybe they should all do a favor to his and at least prepare breakfast today, and maybe even bring Harry his to bed. So he decided to wake his boyfriends except Harry.

-Ni, Ni, hey babe wake up- he heard Niall mumbling something along the line "But Mom", he giggled a little and nudge Niall, who still didn't woke up. He tried a new strategy,  he was thinking about pinching him, but that could potentially cause Niall  to scream, and he reply didn't wanted to wake up Harry, so he decided against it and instead decided to kiss him. He recived a response almost in mediante y.  When he separe te from Niall he was met with gorgeous sleepy blue eyes and a goofy smile.

-Morning Lou- he said groggily

-Morning sunshine, can you help me wake the others, but not Harry?.- Louis asked

-Sure, why?- He asked rubbing his eyes

-I was thinking maybe we should prepare breakfast for him today. You know, I think we all have noticed he hasn't been feeling well this past days, and I was thinking we should do something nice for him, maybe bringing him breakfast to bed?-

-Yep, that's a great idea. I'll wake Zayn and Liam.  Why don't you wait downstairs and star cutting some fruit. Just, don't get close to the stove, we don't want any accidents to happen- Niall said with a small smirk

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