One step to a better day

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When Liam told them Harry had regretted the abortion, they were all thrilled, but they weren't stupid, and they knew this didn't meant everything would be roses and butterflies dancing all around. At the end of the day, they knew how things were and they knew things weren't going to be easy for any of them, especially Harry. It was quite obvious.

" what?" asked Niall out of nowhere.

"What do you mean?" asked Liam, truly confused.

"Well, it's just that now we are keeping the baby, at least i think we are. But I don't know guys, maybe it's just me, and I guess this comes from being with Harry thid whole time, but to me it just feels that Harry decided to keep the baby more out of guilt than actually wanting to keep the baby"

"Maybe watching the ultrasound just made him realize he actually wants this" said Zayn full of hope

"Maybe, it's just that-" he took a moment to breathe deeply"-you didn't see all the hatred he held in his voice everytime I even suggest that he should think about things right. Don't get me wrong, of course I want him to actually want this, I'm just saying that this sudden change of heart has more to do with guilt than love"

They all thought of something to protest, but never actually said anything because they knew it was the truth.

"Maybe this is what all of this is about, but it can change. I mean. I've got a feeling that Harry felt exited when he found out about the baby, but our reactions were what made him change his mind. I don't know, I guess I just...I don't want to believe that he actually hates our baby" Zayn said staring at the table.

"At the end it doesn't matter, does it?" Liam said trying to look at all of them "He still didn't choose to do it, and now more than ever, we have to be with him and there for him"

They weren't saying it, but they all knew things were still going to be hard. But they were also completely sure about one thing, they weren't about to leave Harry alone. And now more than ever they were gonna be with him for everything.

Also, they were all thiking about one important thing that had to be done, tell management something. They had all turned off their cellphones, ignoring completely the situation they had left incomplete. For one, nobody had told anything to them after Harry passed out that day, they still had one concert left and at the end of the day they had a contract, and everything they did that could be this big, was something they had to discuss with their management. And they knew things could turn out really bad, seeing as they hadn't even let the boys come out. And the baby, well, It made kind of obvious that at least one of them was gay.

Of course in this moment they couldn't care any less, Harry and the baby were of course their main priority. Still, it was something that was constantly in the back of their minds because they knew it was something that if they let it pass, it could come back bitting them on the ass.

So Liam, as always, thinking on the big scheme of things was the one that was actually thinking  what to do about that situation. He was already coming up with what to say or the possible outcome of things.

"So, I know this is not our main problem, but it's still a problem. When are we going to call management to talk about this? Before anyone of you protests, you know that the longer we take, the worse the outcome could be. Besides, now that Harry has decided against the abortion, I think we all are a bit calmer"

And really, they couldn't be against that seeing as Liam was right, and they were all feeling better about this situation.

"When do you propose we do it?"

" I don't know Louis, but the sooner the better. If we keep putting it of we all know it could end up bad"

"Maybe they'll understand"

"Oh, my sweet inocent Niall, when have they ever understood anything"

"They are not that bad" -niall said enphasizin the 'that'

"True, but still, they care way more about money than they care about us, so yeah, this is shit"

"I think at least one of us should go. Perhaps even today. I don't, just  take all the bad stuff out of the way so we can begin enjoying the good stuff you know?" Niall said, just wanting to get away from all the shit as soon as he could.

"Maybe we should just wait until tormorrow. After everything that happen today I just don't feel like dealing with any amount of shit. Besides, we can just do it without talking to him before we do it. He is the most involved person in all of this, and anything we do he'll be the one they'll bother the most" Zayn said clearly tired from all the had been going through since they found out Harry was pregnant.

"So, tomorrow then, I'll go after we talk to Harry. Would any of you care to join me?" Liam asked looking at the three men, all of them avoiding his stare "Please guys, I really don't want to face them alone" he said as he looked at them pleadingly.

"I'll go with you, they'll probably be calmer with us two" said Zayn.

"So, it's settle. We'll go after we talk Harry about it. I don't think he'll have a problema with it, he just hate dealing with management"

"For now, let's just go lay down with Harry okay" said Louis standing up.

"That's the best idea you've had in a while" said Niall while he and the other also stood up and went to their room.




Boy, I know it's been a while and I'm really sorry about it. I was really thinking I should drop the story but these last couple of months there's been a lot of people voting and commenting, so they motivated me to keep going.

Also I would love to have someone who could be my beta reader.

I promise this time I will absolutely have the next episode next week.

Have a lovely day :)

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