I can't...

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"Hey Liam, what was inside of that boxes downstairs?" he heard Liam let out a long breath.

"It doesn't matter anymore" Zayn was sure whatever was inside those boxes was important, but Liam clearly didn't wanted to talk about it.

"Okay" he whispered "I love you all, with all my heart"

"I love you all too" said the other four at the same time "I love you baby" whispered to themselves four of the boys before letting exhaustion take over them.




The next morning Liam woke up to the sound of an annoying alarm. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a full head of curly hair in his face. Harry began stirring in his sleep, so Liam enjoying too much his time with him tried to reach for the phone so he could turn off the alarm before waking Harry up.

"What time is it?" Liam heard Harry's raspy voice and curse to himself for allowing Harry to wake up screwing his perfect moment.

"It's 8:00. Don't worry babes is still early"

"Where are the others?" Harry said realizing they were alone in bed.

"I don't know, went to eat breakfast or something" he answered pulling Harry closer to him.

"I have to shower Liam." Harry said, but didn't really made a move.

"Can't we stay longer, please..."

"Fifteen more minutes, but that's it. I don't want to be late to the appointment, and I still want to shower and eat something."

"Appointment, what appointment?" Liam was surprised, nobody mentioned an appointment for anything yesterday.

"I booked an appointment to get the abortion today at ten"

"Today?!" Liam raised his voice, but it wasn't out of anger, more of surprise. Of course with everything going on Harry took it the wrong way.

"I thought you had said yesterday that you would support me, that it was my decision." Harry got mad as he took Liam's arms of him.

"And I meant it. I'm just surprised, it's so sudden. I swear I'm not mad or anything, but please understand. I just got here yesterday, and I just found out about you getting rid of the baby a few hours ago, and knowing that the baby is going in less than two hours just shocked me. Don't make me feel worse than I already feel" Liam was begging with his eyes at Harry, not wanting him to be sadder and angrier that he already was with all of them.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Harry said shaking his head a Liam could see a tear dipping down his cheek before Harry threw himself into Liam's chest hugging him strongly "I'm sorry, I know is still early in the pregnancy, but I swear it's not my fault I'm over reacting, It's the hormones fault"

"Hey, it's okay, I get it. Don't get upset" he said taking Harry's chin so he could look a him in the eyes "Why don't you go shower, while I go see what the boys are up to. I'll make you breakfast okay? I'll shower while you eat"

"Yeah, and I'm really sorry. I'll try not to do it again" Harry said kissing Liam.

"Don't apologize love. And please don't cry anymore, I hate when any of you cry." he said drying Harry's tears "Now please give me a smile"

"You also get a kiss" Harry smiled and kissed Liam before going to the bathroom to shower.

Liam smiled all the time until Harry closed the door behind him, his expression saddening the moment he heard the door being closed. The weight of everything downed on him, he suddenly got angry, not at Harry, but himself. He was sure, completely sure that if he never had left or gotten back sooner non of this would have happened.

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