The ship of dreams

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~PLEASE READ~ Okay so, If you haven't read the description of the book,  had just recently watched this movie, so not everything they say is going to be right so I'm sorry If it isn't. I also don't want to fully copy the movie so I'm going to change some things. I hope you guys enjoy! and remember, 'never let go' and stay 'Gleeful.' ;) I also may skip a part or two to make the chapters a bit shorter so sorry If I do that a lot.


                                         ~Present with old Dipper~

"Hello, I am Preston. What can I do for you? Mister...?" Preston says trying to get Dippers name.

"Mason Gleeful." Sandra says finishing his sentence for him.

"Okay....What can I do for you Mr. Gleeful?" Preston says as he now speaks back to Dipper.

"Oh, yes. I was just wondering if you have found the 'Amulet Of The Ciphers' yet?" Dipper asks Preston with a smile.

Sandra drops her phone surprised and Preston stares at Dipper with his mouth hung open.

"Wait...'The Amulet Of The Ciphers'. But that has been gone for about 84 years that will be impossible to find." Preston says as he shakes his head in disbelief. "Alright Mason-"

"Please call me Dipper. I cannot stand that foolish name you call me by." Dipper says as he looks back at Preston.

"Alright Mas-Dipper. I say we look at some of the photos from the Titanic now. Please tell us if you recognize or can tell us anything." Preston says as he pushes Dippers wheelchair to the cameras and Dipper nods in approval.

They look at pictures of the Titanic then and now. They then stop at a picture with a first class, beautiful lady with brunette hair and elegant clothes.

"Do you know this woman Dipper?" Preston says as he points to the lady in the picture.

"Ah, yes. The women in that picture is my twin sister, Mabel. Oh, how we never quite got along."Dipper says as he smiles a bit at the picture and rubs it with his thumb.

After a little bit longer of looking at the pictures, Dipper began to tear up at the thoughts of being of the ship. Happiness and sadness was shared. Preston noticed this and called Gwen over.

"May I see my drawing please?" Dipper asks calmly as Preston hands him the drawing.

"Oh that amulet was a dreadful and heavy thing. I only wore it this once."

"You actually believe this is you, Grandfather?" Dippers granddaughter Gwen who now walked in the room asks as she stands beside Dipper.

"It is me sweetheart. Wasn't I a hot number?" Dipper says as flips his hair dramatically. Gwen giggles.

"What about this?" Preston says as he hands Dipper a cracked, old mirror.

"Oh! this was my sisters. She wanted to go back for it. Great-uncle Ford and her caused quite the fuss." Dipper says smiling at the memory.

"Looking at these pictures Preston, they seem to have the bow pulled out and dive its planes away. Almost half a mile, before it hits the bottom, about twelve miles an hour, KABOOM!" Sandra says as she steps in showing a picture of the front of the ship.

"What do you think of this Dipper?" Preston asks but looks at Dipper to see he was tearing up more. Gwen noticed this too.

"I'm going to take him back to rest." Gwen says as she goes to push the wheelchair to Dippers room but Dipper stops her.

"No!" Dipper says with stern and anger. The sweet, little old gentleman was gone. His eyes now looked like steel. Preston signals everyone to remain quiet.

"Please tell us Dipper." Preston says calmly.

"It has been 84 years..." Dipper says quietly. 

"Just tell us what you can-" Preston began to say but Dipper holds his hand up for silence.

"It has been 84 years...But I can still smell the fresh paint. The china that never had been used. The sheets that never had a chance to be slept in." Dipper says moving closer to the mini recorder.

"Titanic was called, The Ship Of Dreams...and it was. It really was..."


                    ~Going back into Dippers memories from the Titanic~

"Stop for Gleeful's" The car driver says as he steps out and helps the Gleeful family out of their luxurious black car.

Dipper steps out of the car wearing a breathtaking, elegant, Black, White, and baby blue outfit. He looks up and takes in the gorgeous ship in front of him but frowns in disapproval.

"I don't see what all the fuss is about. It doesn't look any larger than the Mauretania." Dipper says as he watched everyone jumping with excitement and crying saying goodbye to friends and family.

"Well, Dipper you can be disapproving of some things but not the Titanic. It's over a hundred feet taller than the Mauretania, and far more luxurious." Dippers fiance, Candy Chui says while taking a step next to Dipper also taking in the amazing view. Dipper rolls his eyes as he starts to make his way to the ship.

"You're nephew is much too hard to impress, Ford." Candy says as Ford approaches Candy.

"He always was such a little arrogant, small minded fool, hasn't he?." Dippers sister Mabel says wearing a similar outfit Dippers but a little bit more elegant.

" Dippers sister Mabel says wearing a similar outfit Dippers but a little bit more elegant

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Ford and Candy nod in agreement. Ford holds his arms out for both women to take and they made their way onto...the ship of dreams.

"Come on Gideon! You're going to miss it!" Pacifica yells as her and Gideon run onto the front of the ship.

"Excited now? are we Pazzie?" Gideon says as he finally reaches the front of the ship with Pacifica.

"Look at this Gideon...Me and my best friend...On the Titanic! dreams come true Gideon! they really do. I could just scream my heart out!" Pacifica says as the steps a foot on the railing waving her arms in the air.

"Hehe...go on then." Gideon says shaking his head playfully.

"WOOOOOOO!!! I'M QUEEN OF THE WORLD! WOOOOOOOO!!!" Pazzie says as she takes of her brown hat and waves it to the crowd. As the crowd cheers the ship starts to move and make its way to the U.S.A.

"GOODBYE EVERYONE!" Gideon and Pacifica yell as the ship leaves having everyone wave and say goodbyes with them as their friends and family's leave. 

                                      But the dream is only beginning...

Sorry this chapter is short, but this is going to be a good book! So please keep reading and vote and blablabla....Also please check out my other reverse Dipcifica book 'The Promise We Made After Midnight' if you hadn't already. Remember, 'never let go' and stay 'Gleeful' ;)

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