Chapter 45 - The End

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Mason's pov
Thursday 20th October 2022

I just gave birth. I birthed a whole human. And he's so beautiful. I named him Liam because he really suits it. He looks so mischievous already. He's still crying which is normal, he was just born and that's a pretty scary thing.

My body is so sore. All my muscles hurt off straining so hard. My whole crotch is numb, I don't even want to know what it looks like. I feel dirty and sweaty. Omg I'm so tired.

"What time is it?" I ask Damon and he looks at his watch.

"2am," he says with a yawn.

"I was in labour for so long," I say surprised and Damon nods.

"You did so well," he says and I feel myself smile.

"Thank you. It was all worth it for this little man," I say and look down to Liam who's started to calm down. He opens his little eyes properly and looks all around him. He has brown eyes. He's so gorgeous.

"He's quite cute," Damon says and I smile.

"He's adorable," I say just as the door opens and the midwife comes back.

"Are you ready for me to weigh him and clean him up?" She asks and I nod as I let her take him off my chest.

She leaves with him and I feel a sense of panic when he starts to cry but I trust her.

"Can you put the blanket over me?" I ask Damon and he nods and covers me with the thin hospital blanket. "I need a shower."

"You can get one at home, I'll help you if you need," Damon says and I nod.

After a while of waiting, the midwife comes back with Liam wrapped in a blanket and wearing a little blue hat. I take him from her and cradle him in my arms. He's sleeping and making cute baby noises as I rub my thumb on him.

"He weighs 6lbs and 3oz, and I've put a little bracelet on his leg with his name and information that has an alarm in it if he leaves the ward so make sure you get that off before you leave," she says and I nod along with Damon. "You can both sign the birth certificate when you're ready to leave. Which by the way is whenever you're ready. You can stay here until morning if you'd like."

"I'd like to get home so I can shower," I say and she nods.

"Would you like your friends to come in?"

"Yes please," I say, partly shocked that they're still here.

She walks out of the room and then Cole walks in first with Lacey, Marcus, and Nathan behind him.

"Omg he's so cute!" Cole says loudly but quickly apologises when Liam stirs.

"What's his name?" Lacey asks as she looks at his cute face.

"Liam," I say and she coos.

"That's such a cute name for such a cute baby," she says and Cole agrees.

"Can I hold him?" Cole asks and I nod.

"Yes but come sit on the bed so I know you won't drop him, and make sure you support his head," I say and Cole nods seriously and sits on the bed cross legged. I carefully hand Liam to Cole and help him adjust him so he's comfy.

"He's so small," Cole says as he holds him like he's protecting him with his life. "Marcus I want one."

"No. You can just babysit Liam," Marcus says firmly and I see Nathan smirk.

"Marcus I want one too," Nathan says and Marcus spins around with a look of disbelief.


"Well I haven't really thought about it but he is really cute," Nathan says and Marcus squints a little.

"We'll talk about this at home," he says firmly and turns back around. "Would you like me to go get you some clothes and anything else you need Mason?"

"Oh shit we forgot to bring the bag," I say and Cole gasps.

"Omg I'm sorry! I should have remembered it," Cole says with a pout.

"It's okay, me and Lacey can go get you some clothes," Marcus says. Damon hands him his house key and Marcus and Lacey leave.

Cole hands me back Liam when he feels like he's hogged him enough and I look at Damon.

"Would you like to hold him?" I ask and he nods sheepishly. He gently takes him out of my arms and settles him in his. Liam does a yawn and we all awe at how cute he is. Damon looks lovestuck.

I notice Damon taps Liam three times and I smile. I love my family so much. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

THATS THE END😭😭😭😭😭 I love my characters so much and I'm sad to see this story end but it had to eventually. I really hope you've all enjoyed them as much as I have, and don't worry! You'll see them again in other books to come.

The next book I'll be writing that won the vote is....

The Adventures of Logan and his not so little buddy!

This is Logan's book, the Dom who had sex with Cole while he and Nathan were broken up. I love this character and I can't wait to start writing his book. I'll do what I usually do and upload his character chapter so you can put it in the library and wait for a upload.

I love you all!!!

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