Chapter 39 - Grandparents and Friends

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Mason's pov
Tuesday 3rd May 2022

I wake up to the feeling of Master tapping my stomach three times. The bump is slowly getting bigger and more noticeable and Master has started tapping three times to say he loves the baby. It's adorable and makes me so happy to see.

"Goodmorning," I say with a smile and Master tilts his head down to look at where I'm cuddled against him.

"Goodmorning. Your parents are coming in about an hour," he tells me and I look at the clock that says 9:43am.

"They are. Are you not supposed to be working today?" I ask because usually he'd be gone by now.

"I'm going at 12," he says and I nod.

"I'll make us breakfast," I tell him and he watches me get out of bed and pull on some comfortable shorts and one of his hoodies. I go downstairs as he gets a shower to make us something to eat. I've been getting cravings for omelettes so I make us each a ham and cheese omelette with a couple of slices of bacon too.

When the food is nearly done Master comes downstairs in his clothes which is a casual suit. Although I don't think a suit can be casual, but Master calls it casual so he must be right.

"Looks good, you did well," he says as we sit at the table to eat our breakfast. I've noticed I'm more hungry than usual so Master has been making sure I eat enough to support the baby growing inside me. We both eat in a comfortable silence, him on his phone as he reads work emails. He looks hot as he concentrates, I'm so lucky to have him as my husband.

We both finish our breakfast just as my parents ring the doorbell.

"You go answer it, I'll clean up," Master says and I thank him as I go let my parents in.

"Hello my baby boy!" My mum says as she pulls me into a tight hug. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing good," I answer as they come inside and my mum lets go of me so my dad can hug me.

"How's my grandbaby doing?" My mum asks as she smiles widely.

"They're doing well, I've got a copy of the scan for you to keep," I tell her as I get the copy I got for them.

"Thank you for that," my dad says as he looks at the black and white picture with a smile.

"Good morning Damon," my mum says as my husband walks into the living room.

"Good morning, would you like a cup of tea?" He asks politely and I notice he's forcing a smile that only I notice is fake.

"No thank you we're alright," my dad answers.

"Okay, let's go in the living room," I say with a genuine smile. We all sit down and Master puts his arm across the back of the couch behind my head.

"So how are you feeling about the pregnancy so far?" My mum asks.

"I'm feeling good about it, I've had some morning sickness but it's not been too bad," I say as my hand rests on my stomach.

"When I was pregnant with you I was sick every morning and oh the heartburn! It was worth it though to see you grow up to be a good man," my mum says with a huge smile.

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