Chapter 40 - Genetic

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Damon's pov
Friday 3rd June 2022

Today we're finding out if the baby is a boy or a girl. Mason is very excited and made us leave the house early so we're ten minutes too soon and waiting in the car before we go into the doctors office.

"Do you think it's a boy or girl?" Mason asks me and I look over at him.

"Boy," I say confidently and he looks mildly shocked I gave him a straight answer.

"Why so certain?"

"I just know," I say. "What do you think it is?"

"I'm not sure. I can't decide," he says gently as his hand rests on the bump on his stomach.

"Should we go inside?" I ask and he nods as he takes off his seatbelt. We get out of the car and I hold his hand as we walk into the doctors. Mason's wearing one of my larger hoodies so it covers his bump. He doesn't want anyone else to know he's pregnant because it makes him dysphoric so I don't mind him wearing baggy clothes.

We sign in and sit in the waiting room, Mason's leg bouncing excitedly as he holds my hand. I check some work emails on my phone as we wait for Mason's name to be called. There's a few issues with a new bar I'm opening and I sigh as I read the many emails informing me of all the problems.

"You okay?" Mason asks and I nod as I scroll through the lengthy emails.

"Yeah I'm fine, just stressed," I say and he rests his head on my shoulder gently. His touch feels good and even relaxes me a little. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, I love you," he says with a cute smile.

"I love you too," I say as I tap his hand three times with my thumb.

Mason's name is called and we stand up and follow the doctor to her office. Mason keeps a hold of my hand and taps three times as we walk into the room.

"Mason you can take a seat on the bed," the doctor says with a smile. Mason drops my hand and sits on the bed excitedly. "So today is your 18 week scan, I'll be able to tell you the sex of the baby so would you like to know?"

"We want to know please," Mason smiles as I stand beside the bed.

"Okay let's get started, lift your shirt and lay down," she says with a friendly smile. I watch as Mason lays down and lifts his shirt up to expose his rounded stomach. I won't lie and say and don't miss his light abs but the baby bump is quite cute on him.

The doctor does the whole routine of squirting on the gel and using the ultrasound stick while I hold Mason's hand and watch carefully. The doctor smiles and turns the computer screen around so we can see our baby.

"So you definitely want to know the sex?" The doctor asks and Mason nods. "You're having a little boy."

A boy.

"There's his little pecker," she says with a chuckle as she points on the screen. Mason is in awe as he looks at our baby boy.

"Our little boy, omg I'm so excited to meet him," Mason says and smiles at me.

"Me too," I smile back.

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