Chapter 13 - Birthday

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Mason's pov
Saturday 18th September 2021

It's my birthday today! I'm 27 years old which is getting too close to 30 for my liking but I'm trying to forget about that. My parents are on their way to come and see me before I go to Master's house anyways so they can get my mind off how old I'm getting. Cole and Will each called me to say happy birthday and that they'll see me at the club tonight which I can't wait for.

The doorbell rings and I answer to see both of my parents stood with smiles.

"Happy birthday Mason!" My mum says as she kisses my cheek and hands me a wrapped box.

"Thank you mum," I say as my dad gives me a hug and I invite them inside. I forgot to clean up my paintings so I cringe as they both glance at the mess.

"I love your paintings but you really need to clean up after yourself," my dad says and I blush as I open my present.

"I was tired last night and didn't get a chance to put it all away," I explain as I tear the wrapping paper to see new Adidas trainers.

"I hope you like them," my mum says as I open the box and smile at the white trainers with colourful paint splatters on them.

"I love them thank you so much," I say and try them on. They fit perfectly and my mum gives me another hug.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" I ask and they both say yes so we go to my small kitchen. I boil the kettle and get some cups out as they both sit at the table.

"So Mason, who gave you that hickey?" My mum asks with a cheeky grin. I blush and put my hand over the mark Master gave me. It is actually the first ever hickey he's given me because I mentioned Cole's many hickeys and Master asked if I wanted one. I don't think I'll be getting many though because he didn't seem very interested in it.

"Um, just a guy," I answer as I make the tea and take it to the table. I sit down and blush furiously as my mum pries for more information.

"I know you well enough to know it's not just some guy," she says and I blush as I think of the feelings I've gotten for Master. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Kind of," I answer. "He's not officially my boyfriend but we spend a lot of time together."

"Aww I'm so happy for you baby," my mum says and she kisses my cheek again.

"Ugh mum he's not even my boyfriend yet," I say as I take a sip of my tea to hide my embarrassment.

"Stop embarrassing him," my dad says and I thank him as I start to think of all of the kinky things I've done with Master. I shift in my chair and blush harder as my mum asks about him.

"He's called Damon and he's really nice," I say briefly and she coos even more.

"My baby is all grown up with a boyfriend," she says and smooshes my cheeks.

"I'm 27 mum I was grown up a long time ago," I groan and she lets out a small laugh.

"You'll always be my little boy," she says and I smile.

They don't stay for long as I need to go meet Master at his house but I still get more embarrassing questions about my relationship with Master. I love my parents but my mum can be very gossipy when she finds out something new, kind of like Cole. I say goodbye to them both then go up to my bathroom to prep for if he wants to use my asshole. When I've cleaned my ass I put on a nice pair of jeans and a t-shirt then send a quick message to Master to let him know I'm on my way. I grab my keys and my phone and go to Master's house eagerly.

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