Chapter 33 - Married

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Mason's pov
Wednesday 2nd March 2022

I'm getting married today! The past month with Master has been amazing, we both agreed to have a simple wedding which meant the date could be so soon. We're only having close friends and family at the wedding and we're not having a ceremony, only a party at the club after we sign the marriage licence. Marcus and Will are our witnesses to sign the licence then we'll go back to the club and celebrate.

"Are you ready?" Will asks me as we walk into the registry office. We're all wearing suits, Master looking the hottest of course.

"I'm ready," I say confidently as we wait in the line. I look up to Master who's holding my hand and talking to Marcus about boring business stuff. He's so perfect. I can't believe he wants to marry me! He wants to be mine forever!

"You're staring," he says and snaps me out of my daze.

"Sorry, you're just so handsome," I say bravely and he smirks a little as he gently squeezes my hand.

"That's okay then. How are you feeling?" He asks and I look to the four people in front of us that means we're next.

"A little nervous but mostly excited," I say and he leans down to kiss my lips gently.

"I'm proud of you both," Marcus says and I blush slightly. It's not everyday the Master Dom tells you he's proud.

"Thank you," I say as Will grins.

We're called forward and Master leads me to the desk.

"We called ahead to sign our marriage certificate, Damon Zhang and Mason Dharma," Master says and the woman nods as she directs us to an office. We go down to the office and I look at all the decor. There's beautiful paintings and the room feels fancy and worthy of a wedding.

"Hello take a seat," a man says as he looks through some papers. Me and Master sit in the two chairs at the desk as Marcus and Will sit down on the other two chairs off the the side.

"You two must be Damon and Mason. I've got down that you're here to sign a marriage licence and for Mason to change his last name, is that correct?" He asks and I nod as Master answers with a yes.

"Okay and these are your witnesses?" He says as he looks at Marcus and Will.

"Yes they are," Master answers.

"That's great, can I see both of your passports and birth certificates," he says and I hand him the folder with all the documents we needed inside. He checks them all then verifies our address and looks at the proof of my name being changed because my deadname is on my birth certificate. 

"That's all in order. This is your marriage licence, I'll need you to sign both copies for me and yourself to keep," he says and Master signs first then passes them to me where I write my current name. I then sign the document to change my last name to Zhang.

"You'll get your new forms of ID with your new last name on it within 5 weeks. Congratulations," the man says and I thank him as we stand up. Will hugs me tightly as Marcus congratulates me and Master. I'm surprised when Marcus pulls me in for a hug but I hug him back because I'm way too happy not to.

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