Chapter 44 - About to Burst

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Damon's pov
Wednesday 19th October 2022

Work is all I seem to be fucking doing these days. It's constant phone calls and emails needing me to check this or call this person and it's exhausting. I can't wait until the baby is here so I have en excuse to ignore work. I have someone to take over from me while I'm off but he's useless and keeps calling and texting needing my advice. It's not that hard!

My phone rings and I groan out loud from my desk. If it's him again I'm going to fucking scream.

"What?" I say as I answer the phone.

"Mason's gone into labour!" I hear Cole shout into the phone.

"Is he okay?" I ask quickly as I stand up and start packing my stuff together, my phone balanced between my ear and my shoulder.

"Yes he's okay he's just started contractions and he called his midwife and she said to come to the hospital so Lacey is driving us there now," Cole explains happily as I finish getting all my stuff together.

"I'll meet you at the hospital in about half an hour, call me if anything happens," I say and hang up, grabbing my bag and swiftly walking out of my office.

I get into my car and throw my bag in the backseat, stopping myself to take a deep breath.

This is it. You're about to be a dad.

I start the car and make my way to the hospital. Of course I get stuck in every bit of traffic there is. My hand taps the steering wheel impatiently as I wait for the traffic to start moving. Fuck why is this taking so long. I turn the radio on to see if I can find out why this road seems to be closed but I can't focus on what the presenter is saying. I'm just thinking about Mason and my baby boy.

He's probably in pain and I'm not there to comfort him yet. Come on cars move! This is so fucking annoying.

It takes me 40 minutes to get to the hospital and then another 10 minutes of me trying to find somewhere to park. Fuck all of this! I try to contain my frustration as I go inside and to the front desk.

"I'm here for Mason Zhang," I say and the women nods and checks her computer.

"He's on floor 3 and room 23b," she says and I follow the signs to the stairs. I can't trust a lift with how bad my luck is going so far. I walk up three flights of stairs and then start walking down the corridors to find his room. I see Marcus and Vincent stood in the corridor so I walk faster to get to them.

"Where have you been?" Marcus asks quickly.

"Traffic," I say briefly before I walk into the room they were stood outside of.

I see my beautiful husband laying on the bed with Cole and Lacey on either side of him. Cole moves so I can come and stand beside Mason as he looks up at smiles at me.

"You're sweaty," he says and I smile.

"I ran up three flights of stairs," I answer and Mason starts to laugh but stops and squeezes his eyes shut in pain. He groans and I hold his hand as he puts his other hand on his stomach.

"Ouch," he says and opens his eyes with a sigh. "Don't look so worried it's just contractions."

"Do they hurt?" I ask and he nods quickly.

"Like period cramps. They're about every 10 minutes so there's a while until the next one," he says calmly and I nod.

"You're handling this very well," I say and he nods with a smile.

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