Chapter 12 - Friends

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Mason's pov
Wednesday 1st September 2021

"So he hasn't even kissed you?" Will asks as he cradles the cup of coffee in his hand.

"Not yet, he keeps getting close to doing it but then he stops," I sigh and take a sip of my drink.

"Why?" Cole asks with a confused face. "Nathan kissed me all the time."

"He's just not affectionate," I say briefly and Cole frowns.

"Weird, I mean you're so adorable I always want to give you kisses," he says and Will laughs.

"You'd kiss anyone Cole," I grumble and he nods.

"That's true, but you're especially cute," he winks. I roll my eyes with a small laugh and Cole takes a bite of his slice of cake. We came to this cafe to meet up just because Cole had seen the cake in the window and wanted some.

"Anyways, it's going really well with him. We're compatible in the playroom and he leaves me shaking with pleasure," I say with a dreamy look.

"But you're falling for him," Will says.

"I'm not falling for him, I just like him because he's my Master," I say and Will shakes his head.

"Do you get goosebumps when he touches you? Do you wish he'd just kiss you and cuddle you? Do you want to spend all your time with him?" Will asks with a pointed look.


"Don't lie to me Mason. Tell him how you feel, because if you hide it then you'll just feel worse," he says and I sigh.

"I can't tell him because he can't reciprocate," I mumble.

"Why can't he reciprocate? He might like you too," Cole says with a hopeful smile. I can't tell them about Damon's condition so I have to tell the lie.

"He doesn't want a relationship, he just wants sex which I'm okay with," I say and fake a smile. Maybe it hurts that he can't ever love me but I don't mind staying as just his slave, I like having sex with him. He makes me feel an intense pleasure and pain that no one has ever been able to give me before.

"Whatever you say, just don't get yourself hurt," Cole says and kisses my cheek gently. I blush and nod a little as Cole finishes his cake.

"Marcus will kill us for letting you get that, I though you were all eating healthy?" Will says as we get up to leave.

"What he doesn't know won't kill him, just say I got a salad," Cole says with a cheeky grin.

"They'll find out when they kiss you and you taste of chocolate," I say and Cole waves me off.

"It doesn't matter, maybe I'll get a punishment."

"Why do you want a punishment?" I ask because I know I'd never want Master to give me a punishment.

"Because it's fun! They'd probably spank me which is so good when Nathan is angry," he says with a fake moan.

"I know what you mean," Will says cheekily, "although Mason likes to please his Master so he finds pleasure in following the rules, maybe you should take notes Cole."

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