Chapter 41 - Wedding

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Mason's pov
Tuesday 14th June 2022

Vincent and Damian are finally married! It's been such a long wait but it was totally worth it because the day has been beautiful! Vincent paid for us all the fly to Italy to Vincent's home town for the wedding and it's been amazing! The hotel is gorgeous and the ceremony was in front of the sea in a courtyard!

My baby bump is much more noticeable now so I wore a suit that covered me mostly and stuck by Master's side all day. For the pictures Cole stood next to me in a way that covered my stomach and I nearly cried because it was so nice of him.

Damian and Vincent did the Italian tradition of cutting a log together after the ceremony. Master didn't see the point but I think it's so sweet! It's a symbol of them working together for their first day married to each other. And as Cole said it's hot to watch their muscles bulging under their shirts.

Master hasn't enjoyed the day because he sees weddings as a waste of time and money and too much social interaction so we've been sticking together away from all the busy things going on.

I've been taking loads of my own pictures so I can paint a few for Vincent and Damian to keep. The venue really is gorgeous it'll make amazing paintings.

Now the wedding is almost over and Cole is very drunk and hanging off my arm.

"Cole please just go with Marcus to bed yeah? You can party more tomorrow," I say with a sweet voice and Cole giggles.

"Noooooo I have to keep dancing!" He yells and starts throwing his arms up in the air and jumping around. I shrug at Marcus and Nathan because I really can't help anymore when Cole is this drunk.

"Cole! If you don't follow me now I'll be spanking you so fucking hard," Marcus growls and Cole starts giggling again.

"Spank me daddy," he flirts and shakes his ass at his husband. Nathan grabs Cole by his arm and steps in between him and a furious Marcus.

"To our room. Now," Marcus says with a scary calmness to his voice. Marcus starts walking as Nathan helps Cole follow along.

"Goodnight Mason! I love youuuuu!" Cole says to me as he gets half dragged away.

"Goodnight Cole," I say back and he giggles as he gets far enough away he can't hear me anymore. "He's going to be in so much trouble when he's sober."

"I agree. If you ever embarrassed me like that I'd make you sleep outside," Master says as he sips the champagne in his hand.

"Really? You'd make me sleep outside?" I ask and he nods.

"Not when you're pregnant obviously but any other time yes," he tells me and I nod with wide eyes. He really is sadistic. Luckily I'd never disobey him enough to warrant that type of punishment. I hope so anyways. Master sets his glass down on a table and turns to face me.

"Well the wedding is winding down now, we should go to our room so I can ravage you," he says with a small smirk and I blush a deep red.

"Let me just say goodnight to Vinny-"

"No need, you'll see him in the morning. Let's go," he says and I keep my arm linked with his and walk at his pace up to the lift to take us to our room. Master presses the button to take us to our floor and as soon as the doors close his lips are on mine. The kiss is desperate and messy as our lips crash together and our tongues rub against each other.

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