Chapter 26 - Famous?

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Mason's pov
Monday 10th January 2022

Today is the day of my own art show! I have a whole room in the gallery for my work and I get to cut the ribbon to open it up! The paintings can be bought but I doubt they will be, although Master seems confident they will. He's even exited about this for me, he bought me a fancy suit and a discreet chain collar for me to wear.

We went to a proper suit shop and Master told me to not worry about the price because he'll pay for whatever fits me. I tried on so many until Master was happy with a suit that fit me well, it's a light grey with a black tie and I actually really like it. It makes me manly and gives me gender euphoria.

Now Master is driving us to the gallery early so I can have a look around before people start showing up. Will, Cole, Marcus and Nathan are coming to see my opening and I can't wait to see them! Vincent can't make it though because he's in Italy with Damian at the moment.

"Your tie is crooked," Master says as he pulls into the empty car park. I pull down the sun visor and use the mirror to straighten out the tie and check myself over. "You look handsome."

"Thank you Master, so do you," I say as I blush and look at Master in his fitted back suit. We get out of the car and he holds his hand out for me as he clicks the button to lock the car. I hold his hand and smile as we walk inside and look for the man who gave me this opportunity, Mr Samuels. Master sees him first and walks us over to where Mr Samuel is on the phone.

"Okay I'll see you soon," he says into the phone and hangs up as he turns to smile at us. "Mason my star of the show!"

He pulls me in for a hug and I let go of Master's hand to hug him back. I notice Master scowl so I hold his hand again and try to pay attention as Mr Samuel speaks.

"Your room is right this way," he says and takes me through an archway where all my paintings are displayed on the walls. I keep a hold of Master's hand as I walk around and look at them with a smile. This is my artwork in a gallery! My own exhibition!

"I'm so proud of you," Master says quietly to me and I smile widely.

"Thank you," I say and lean up to kiss his lips. He smiles against my lips and I melt inside.

"You two are so cute. Your next exhibition should be about love," Mr Samuels says and I pull away from Master and turn to him.

"My next exhibition?" I say and Mr Samuels nods.

"If this goes well, and I know it will, then I want you to do regular exhibitions here. You're very talented, you're worth much more than just painting people's dogs," he says and I feel myself blush.

"Thank you so much," I say as I try to process what he told me. I'll have a proper job here doing my own exhibitions.

"I'll let you think about that while I make sure everything is ready," he tells me and leaves me and Master to talk.

"You should take up his offer, you'd be great making regular work for here," Master says as he looks at one of my paintings on the wall.

"I will, I enjoy painting and this will make me challenge myself," I say and tap his hand three times with my thumb. I notice his mouth turn into a small smile before I feel him tap me back three times.

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