Chapter 30 - Getaway

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Damon's pov
Monday 24th January 2022

Mason recently sold a huge art piece so he's got a lot of money he's saved up and now he's insisting on taking me on holiday. I don't like that my slave is taking me on holiday so I made him let me pay for the flights and everything while we're there. He agreed and now we're in the airport about the get on our flight to Brazil where it's warm instead of cold like here.

We've already checked in and out suitcases are on the plane but I made sure Mason brought a smaller bag with his headphones and a drawing pad incase he gets bored. I hate planes. They're probably the only thing I'm scared of. I have to get planes for business sometimes and I hate it every time so I usually take sleeping pills so I miss it all. Mason is excited though so I'm pretending I'm not bothered, I'm good at pretending.

"Can we get a big Toblerone?" He asks as he looks at the shops.

"If you want," I answer and he starts walking towards them and dragging me along because I'm holding his hand. The airport is busy so we navigate the crowds and I watch as Mason picks a foot long Toblerone and pays for it with a big smile. I love his smile.

"Our flight was just called, we should go to the gate," I tell him and he nods as he puts the Toblerone in his bag. I hold his hand again and we walk to the gate where we both show our boarding passes. Mason was worried about showing his passport because his old one didn't have male on it, but I got him a new one before the holiday that says male and his legal name.

We go to the line to get on the plane and I feel my anxiety rise. Mason is so excited he's basically bouncing as we step forward with the line. We're first class so I'll be comfy on the plane but I'm still dreading the long flight. We get onto the plane and find our seats next to each other. I put Mason's bag down in the bag storage and we take our seats, Mason still being shocked at the luxury.

"Do the seats recline?" He asks shocked. I show him how it can go completely flat to sleep on and he looks amazed. I lift his chair back up for takeoff and show him how the seatbelt works. He's practically wiggling in his seat as the hostess does the safety briefing and I get comfy.

I don't know if I can do 14 hours without freaking out, I'm already scared.

"What's wrong Master?" Mason asks quietly as he puts his hand over mine. I realise my leg is shaking and I take a deep breath.

"I don't like flying," I say and he looks shocked I admitted it.

"You can hold my hand the whole time," he offers and I nod as I hold his soft hand tightly.

The plane starts to slowly move after a while and I tense up as it makes it's way to the runway. It'll be fine it's always fine. Get a hold of yourself Damon your slave is right there. I feel Mason tap my hand three times and I smile to myself.

"When we can take our seatbelts off can I sit on your lap?" He asks and I nod as I try not to look out of the window. The plane gets faster and Mason looks even more excited as I close my eyes for a moment to compose myself.

"You can keep your eyes closed Master," Mason says gently and I decide to do it as I feel the plane lift off the ground. I keep my eyes closed as the plane gets higher until I feel like it's safe to open them and I see Mason smiling at me. The plane will take a few minutes to get to cruising height so I'm still on edge but I try to relax for my slave.

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