17: Karaoke

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[POV - Russia]

"Hey, excuse me, do you know where we are?" I heard a small unfamiliar voice say to me in a low voice 'Stop daydreaming and see what the person wan-' "I'm going I'm going" I muttered quietly to myself, enough that no one else in the vicinity could hear me and looked over to the guy beside me.

He had a few splotches of color on his face but,,, I think its paint. Is he cosplaying as someone? Eh, I don't know. I put my poker face on and answered his question. 'Hmmm' what?

Once I finished my sentence I looked at him and time slowed down for me and I examined his outfit. He had sunglasses on which made no sense since it was almost sundown. Is he blind? I don't think blind people have to wear sunglasses at night... Or do they.

I spaced back into reality and the dude sitting next to me sat up a little. That was enough for me to see his outfit... or more like his stomach. It was really exposed. And it's two different colors... Heh, his belly button is in the middle of the two colors 'Stop looking at his stomach, you look like a f*ggot' What! Now I can't even see another mans stomach!? 'No' Ugh.

"Oh, y-your accent, it-itsssss..." He seemed to be at a loss of words, I always thought I hid my accent pretty well when I'm fully awake but I guess he's got some good hearing or something. "Russian" I responded since he seemed to be blanking, "Right!" He seemed excited for some reason... No one's ever really been that excited when they hear I'm Russian. Gotta say, its a nice change of pace. 'Rus, something sounds off about him. He looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it. Ask where he's from.' Isn't that an invasion of privacy? 'He asked you didn't he.' True but I don't want to keep talking. 'Do it pussy.'

And so I asked him, he didn't look upset that I asked and actually made a quick joke about it. He's American. Oh. No wonder he likes talking. I thought he would've talked louder but I guess we are in a train full of people and maybe he's not a loud American.

'He's American. Russia I think I know who he is. He's the fucki-' Shush, with your xenophobic ass. Not every American is that American so, shhh. 'Russia кпяиусь Богом if you don't-' AH! Imma tune you out 'Russia no-' Russia yes. I could still hear him yelling at me but at this point he sounded like a mosquito. Huhhhhh,,, At this point, he stopped being a father and is now more of a nuisance.

The weird American kept talking to me and asked me about my day, I said it was good and asked about his. Little did I know the hell that I just released "So, I woke up and was still sleepy! It made me a little mad cuz, I slept for more than 8 hours that night but, I also think that was the problem because, ya'know how people say that if you sleep to much you just get more sleepy? Yeah, I think that's what happened. But anyways, I made breakfast for my siblings since they're going to school now, and I think my Brother is having school problems right now, but not with grades, its with-" he kept on talking. and talking. and talking. This is weird... but nice. I wonder how long he can go for.

The train stopped suddenly and he accidentally fell into me a little hard "Oof, sorry" "it's alright." He got back up with a dopy smile and leaned back in his seat. I turned back to my brother to see what he's up too and all he was doing is texting someone, Yay, he made a friend!

Out of the blue, I heard a high pitched, quick whistle. It startled me, so I turned back around to the American. I was surprised to see that he also turned around to the person standing next to him. The guy was tall. Not as tall as me, but like it was pretty goshdarn close. He was the one that whistled. He also moved his head, directing it to the door, the American got up and they both left the train. Damn. :/ I feel a little sad...

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