3: Dressing Up

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[POV - Ukraine]

"Sploosh" :b

Water is a wired thing, but I like it

Sploosh :p

I don't usually like being in the bathroom for this long but the shower is nice, the warm water on my face going down my body... Is so relaxing.

You know when you're taking a bath and you just.. Dip into the warm water and it just feels like the the entirety of the sun is giving you a hug, or that its giving you the softest blanket.

The only problem with relaxing is that my brain has nothing to do and starts to bring up Every. Single. Bad. Thing. I've. Done. In. My. Life.


Why did I let Bela put heels on me, Rus probably thinks you're lying about your whole gender. I'm not! I'm a man! I'm strong, I-I'm tough, I'm- Kaz is younger than you and still looks more manly, plus he's taller. That means nothing, there's plenty of short guys in the world!

Sure. Shut up!

"Um, Raine, when are you gonna get out of the shower? You've been in their for like 30 minutes?" Bela sounded confused and a little perturbed,

"Oh, sorry, I'm going!" I bet Kaz is in the 2nd bathroom downstairs, he takes the longest showers out of the four of us.

I finished up my shower and, thankfully, my concicous decided to shut up for once.

Bela is standing outside the bathroom door with a towel in her hands,"Oh, you're FINALLY done!"

"Yeah, sorry for the wait, I was just adding some of that expensive shampoo, you bought to my luscious locks~"

I made a dramatic gesture to my hair and started to poof it up from the bottom.

She turned her head around and made a face that was filled with anger and surprise,,,, it was pure gold



I thought she was going to strangle me, but Russia decided to help me out a lil bit.

"Ughh, Прости!"

"Yeah, you better be!" Rus is always very keen on not cussing in the house or when our mother was here.

Mother... Is she though?


"Oh, shut up, don't use my shampoo!"

"Okok" I walked away swiftly back to my room after that... Interaction. I changed into a comfy white shirt and black shorts, I was going to be changing into something else later so I didn't need anything fancy.

I began to think back to the thought about my mother.

I finally started to see Annika as a mother figure only a few months ago, UN gave us a human mother after we were orphaned by Soviet, I was like, 4 when that happened.

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