25: Flowers

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[POV - Canada]

I slammed the trunk of the car closed with one hand, in the other holding a flower pot with a plant sprouting from the center. New Zealand has been asking me to buy more plants to reflourish our backyard garden ever since we got here. I have 4 other types of flowers that are still sitting in the car, I think Nz might like them more but this'll be funny.

"Hey, bud," Coco and Bear were covered in dirt, hopefully they were helping Nz dig up some holes for the garden but if not... that's one more problem I have to deal with later.
The dogs jumped up to me, standing on their hind legs and trying to sniff my pot, "Ay, stop eht," I walked faster up the stairs and made it through our front door without the dogs eating  my precious plant.
The doggos kept their eyes on me. Glaring at me with betrayal – since the door was glass they could see the conniving, smug smile on my face. Hehe, suckers.

I'm nice to my dogs.
There nice to me. But they know me. It's a fun game we play actually, it's like they're trying to give me misfortune but still like to be around me. We just have a very dog-eat-dog friendship, pun intended.

My victory of beating the dogs to the door was short lived however, when I heard the buzzing of sink water rushing behind me. Shit. Ame. Is doing the dishes. I turned around and sure enough, he was washing some pots and plates. Hiding his face tho. I stiffened, thinking about how I can pass him to get to the backyard: I can't go back outside because ✨Dogs✨ and I can't go forward because ✨Ame✨ ugh....... just be sneaky.

I put the plant behind my back and quietly walked sideways, facing in the direction of America so I was blocking my plant. I think I can get away with it. I scooted more and was almost halfway there – I was standing on the opposite side of the table from him – so close yet so far and at that moment I heard the sink turn off.
"So, no hello?" Ah shit.

I looked up quickly and gave him a friendly 'hi', he looked confused and put his hand on his hip, slapping a rag he was using to dry his hands on the counter, "Canada, honey, what're doing? Why are you holding a potted plant" He gave me the 'what the fuck are you doing' hand and I had to come up with excuse quick, "Um, just thought I would help with getting the garden outside going. Nz's been wanting to start it up for weeks and I just thought 'why give *you* more stuff to worry about when you're already having to deal with finding a job? I'm an adult. I can help.' so, you're welcome," I smiled as sweetly as possible and kept scooting sideways, America nodded his head and looked away, sorta impressed, "uh huh, 'adult', that's sweet n' all but why the fuck do you have weed in that pot?!" Busted.

I blushed with embarrassment and stuttered all my words, being surprised that he found out, "h-how did you know???"
"We're fucking assassins, it's our job to be aware of things, especially things that aren't even that well hidden." he pointed at me up and down, "so I'll ask again, why do you have a cannabis plant?" He sounded a bit annoyed.
I gave the plain response of "Nz needed plants." And "I can't return it now anyway, and it has a name, it's Mari," I named the plant Meri...

He just gave a breathy laugh and shook his head, clearly annoyed, "What? Was juana to hard to pronounce?" He slapped his thighs to exaggerate his irritation and turned back around too the sink sighing, "you know wha- you got more plants though right? Need help unpacking em?" I nodded with a smile creeping back on my face, "they're in the trunk..." he bowed his head slightly, putting his hands back on his hips and lowerd his shoulders in a defeated gesture, walking outside to get the rest of the plants. I squealed with excitement, Ame's gonna help garden! Probably not, but there's hope!

I came outside, walking down the stairs and saw Nz setting up the dirt bed for the plants. I like were the garden is, it's right in front of the stairs I'm walking down right now and the fairy light all around give it a very warm feeling at night, no matter how cold it gets. "Please tell me that's not the only plant you bought," they wined. I'm going to buy more plants, just don't have the money for it right now. Mom, Dad, and Ame said only use it for essentials. Ofc not sure what America thinks is 'essential' since he keeps buying cigarettes and bought bowties for each of our pets to wear. Even for the snake and snail!

✨🌾Cane Shuga🌾✨ [Countryhumans Rusame & Ukranada]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin