39: Four Arms

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[POV - Third Person An'R]

The gun was so close to the officer's head that it suffocated the sound of it going off. Russia was prompted to hide in the very car he stole due to this officer. Though what happened was quick and unexpected, he had time to reminisce on a rule given to him by his father when he was younger to keep him safe: never shoot a police officer. Despite this, the ghost was angry. He sat behind him in the car where he would give unwanted comments to the driver until the apartment buildings turned into single houses and they reached a homestead stationed outside of Moscow. 

The nagging voice was mocking him once more, but Russia found another problem: America. The argument was stupid, plain and simple. He punished himself for even engaging, but the last comment America mumbled about Russia abandoning him caused the driver to stiffen. ‘He would not just get up and leave. How dare America think so little of him?’ but instead of expressing this, he left to unload their luggage after his partner had fiercely left.
Russia couldn’t even manage to unlock the trunk before being alerted of danger by a squeal that popped both nations' ears, and before either could act Russia was attacked with kisses. It was adorable to most who saw, and Russia was thrilled with uncharacteristic hugs being given to the "attacker"; however, he wasn't fond of the kisses and planned to let this be known when they had a moment alone. 
The biggest third wheel, otherwise known as America, couldn't take his eyes off the couple. Not because he wanted to be creepy or get off to the sight of happiness, but it was just captivating. It is the best word to describe it. Captivating with a pinch of terror sprinkled on top as he saw the small country had an extra pair of limbs on her torso. America had never really liked spiders, he tolerated them because of his sibling's obsession, and currently, all he could attach India to was a spider.

He stepped away with crossed arms and shifted his glance around the room, making sure to look anywhere but where the action was taking place. It didn't take long before Russia happily waddled over with the four-armed lady dangling from his neck, "Индия, познакомьтесь с Америка. America this is India," Russia felt weirdly informal tossing the others name around like that; the feeling only grows when he speaks English.

America hadn't yet decided which pair of hands he was aiming for, so when extending his arm, it just awkwardly hovered between the two options until India made her move. The two foreigners dished out a tight handshake, and as the colorfully dressed country got a better view of the striking face, hers blanked as if contemplating something important. She couldn't pinpoint what it was until she analyzed the nation further; the moment India gathered her words she calmly asked: "do I know you?"

The question caught America with his pants down and it showed on his face, but India didn't notice as she focused on his mouth and voice. India was good at recognizing faces, but names were a different story. She had finally been able to answer her inquiry and was unfittingly proud to spell it out, "you were in that sex video with that other guy! Yeah, last month-"
"CANADA! You know me through my brother. Canada." America interrupted and flashed a perfunctory smile; he'd remembered where the smaller one could've known him and didn't hesitate to stop her from rehashing everything. 

America's palms were sweating, he internally begged to drop the subject, but pleasantries were like a second language he'd learned to respect. The twos handshake had become stale and awkward, mainly on America's end, and without knowing how to end it, they just set their hands down painfully slowly.

'Though this is a setback,' Russia thought, 'I'm sure they'll get along well.'

Looking to the ground, you could see India, in all her stylish glory and hatred for winter, begin to grow white hairs over the stress of having the two countries in front of her wear paper-thin suits with barely anything else while the outside was colder than death, "you are cold! Go! Go inside now!"
As eager as they were to find themselves a warm blanket with many pillows, they had to bring in their luggage. India crossed one set of arms and rolled her eyes, hurrying inside.

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