12: Funeral? School?

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[POV - Ukraine]

I flopped on my comfy ass bed and took a well deserved nap.

AFTER THAT, I woke up to the sound of pure poetry... And by that I mean, Rus was aggressively talking on the phone, Kaz was running around the house with Bela's phone, and Bela was yelling/chasing Kaz around to get her phone back. ✨Pure poetry✨

We came home like six days ago, and when we did Annika was giving us a lot of attention! She made soup for us, gave us medicine, heal some of our old wounds,,, basically, she babyed us. To be honest, I don't like being babyed, always felt weak or a burden when people do that to me. Kaz and Bela like it, but Rus is on my side with this.

I began to look around my room and at myself to see if I was still alive and unfortunately I was, ugh. Everything was going so slow lately and my family has 'other things' to do... I'm bored. I got up from my bed quickly and headed towards the window to see if I could sneak out, but before I could reach the window I heard a door swing open.

"W-what the fuck?! Get out!" I yell as I saw my brother standing by the doorframe, still on the phone. He put his finger up to his lips and made a shushing sound at me then waved me over. I walked over to see what he was talking about and he quickly put his hand over the phone to muffle it. "Hey, you wouldn't mind getting on the phone with UN right? I need to go get something." W-what! "Ummm, well-" "great!"

He gave me the phone and ran out of my room to get something. I slowly pulled up the phone to my ear and heard a loud voice, "Hello? Hello, is Ukraine on the phone?" Oh shit, um... "Um, yeah it's-it's Ukraineeeeee," I started flailing my arms around but kept my voice as calm as I could.

Last time me and UN were in the same room I spilled his coffee on him and I accidentally messed up the lights in the meeting we were in. I don't know if he even likes me?! "Hey Ukraine, I was looking at some of your families documents and... Is it true that you're on your first reincarnation?"

First reincarnation?! What?! "Oh, well... Yeah, all of my family is on their first 'reincarnation'" I don't even remember what year I was born... God... Its sometime in 1930s... Maybe.

"Oh,,, all of your family? Even Russia? Have any of you been to a Country rehabilitation school?" He's asking too many questions. Did I say something I wasn't supposed too... "Heh, Russsss hasn't, I don't think. And as far as I know Bela and Kaz haven't" Damn I need to go to school.

"How would you like to go to school?" As soon as he finished his sentence Rus walked back into my room with a few papers in hand.

"Um, I don't know about that... Russia is back so, bye I guess." god, phone calls are so awkward. Rus got back onto the call, he mouthed a 'thank you' to me then walked out of my room. I wonder what that's about. Are we finally going to school? Isn't it a little late?

I stopped thinking so deep about it and walked back towards the window. There's a ice cream parlor near here I can go there! It wasn't a far walk to get there but when I got there I realized I forgot my fucking wallet, "God Fucking Dammit!!" How do you even forget that?! I decided to kick myself in the ass later and just sit on a nearby bench.

I had a pack of cigarettes in my pocket so I got one out and lit it. The smoke coming out of my mouth was very pretty to me. It looked beautiful when it meshed with the purple-ish, twilight sky. It's just a smoke cloud and I shouldn't be that pretty to me... But it is. The only downside I see to the beauty of the smoke cloud is... It reminds me of my dad. Ugh, can you even call him that. Yeah, no.

✨🌾Cane Shuga🌾✨ [Countryhumans Rusame & Ukranada]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें