11: To Canada!

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[POV - Canada]

Box! Box. Box? That's not a box! I need more boxes!

I was running around the house trying to get all the boxes in one area. Its been a week since 'the talk' happened and now we're packing up all our shit to move to CANADA!!! They said it would be somewhere in northern British Columbia so :)))))

Anyways, I still need to get all the boxes ready for when the moving company comes. Ok, the boxes are filled with clothes, furniture, cooking supplies, medicine, electronics, toiletries, books, more clothes, decorations- "AYE! Do you have a box I can put Lacie in?" Asked Australia, I looked over to what he had in his hands and it was a bag.

"What's in the bag?" I said with a head tilt. He smiled and opened the bag, pulling out his pet Stimson's Python, Lacie! She reached her head down from where Aussie had been grabbing her and looked around. Aussie petted her head lightly and put her back in the bag gently, then asked me again if I had 2 small boxes for Lacie and Oliver, his pet snail. I remembered that there was a pile of small boxes in the living room and guided him over there.

Once I got to the living room I saw Ame and Nz packing up some string lights and some electrical wire. They both looked at me until Aussie trotted in with a large smile plastered on his face. "Aye, you have any smoll box-" "catch!" he was cut off by America throwing a small cardboard box at him. "WoOow! Thanks! Can I have one mo-" he was cut off again by another box being thrown at him.

When he was back on his feet he cut some hole on the top of the box, put some soft stuff in it, then placed Lacie gently in the box. We've moved a lot so Aussie was already used to dealing with his pets. Mexico was helping UK with putting the rest of the animals in their respective pet carriers, so we're good on that front.

Ame seemed a little bummed that we were moving... Again. Can't say I blame him, he always said he just wanted a 'normal' home, ya'know like, a stationary home. I mean, I would want one too if, for the majority of my childhood, I didn't have one :/ but I digress. Nz seemed a little bummed to but he didn't want to talk about it when I asked.

"You finished with all the boxes?" Nz asked while sealing up the last box, I nodded and headed outside to put down the rest of the boxes. I as soon as I got down I heard the moving truck pull up. I put on a smile and greeted the moving people. We talked about some minor details concerning the move and I answered them all, when I was done answering they got to work on packing up the boxes in the truck.

I suddenly saw Mexico step down the apartment stairs and waved me over. I followed and saw that they had put all 7 of our pets in there carriers/boxes: The dogs and cats were in there pet carriers and Aussie snake and snail were in their respective boxes. "Ok, we have to go to the air port. Pack up the essentials in your luggage bag!" UK yelled, I had already packed all my essentials yesterday so we all good!

~lil time skip to airport~

We were passing through airport security and I had to remind Ame that they don't check. Every. Single. Thing. About. You. He usually goes above and beyond when we pass through airport security, anxious I guess. While we were passing security we got a few awkward looks and Ame got a few questions, but other then that we good👌

Anyways, we gave our pets some diazepam and gave the pet carriers to the airport workers. When I looked at my ticket I saw that Me, Mex, and Ame were going to sit together! Only problem is Mex and Ame are both really nervous flyers, so I sat in the middle seat so they could hold my hands and try to calm their nerves.

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