30: Comfort. I Need Comfort.

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[POV - Russia]

If you can believe it or not, I'm still alive. Very much not sober and I don't know where all these people came from but I'm alive. 'A for effort Rus.'
I'm really hoping all these people are hallucinations but, as more time passes that possibility is becoming less and less likely.

"Dude, you want some?" The country talking to me introduced herself as Slovenia a few minutes ago – or an hour – she has stuck around me all night, I can't shake her, maybe she thinks I'll get hurt if I get up.
Who knows.
But I shook my head at her offer, she just shrugged and passed the bong to the next person over 'Good choice, I hate it when you get high.' My father's still around, I thought I had drank enough to block him out but I guess not.
It should've been enough, seeing as I am laying down on the grassy floor.
I fell, okay.
Not proud of it, but I just didn't have the willpower to get back up.

So, now I'm laying down in the backyard, intoxicated, with a bonfire some centimeters away from my head and a group of countries sitting around this bonfire that are now passing a bong to each other.

Could be a worse situation.

Again, could be dead.

'Is the bar that low?' "yeah," I whispered with a deep sigh, making sure the people near me couldn't hear. 'You're so pathetic.' Mhm.

Though, passing around a bong wasn't the only thing these dudes were doing, they were also drinking and dancing – some were dancing with fire attached to them, which impressed me quite a bit, but it never held my attention as there were some countries drunkenly singing next to me.
Wait, it's not just some countries, it's Australia. 'Why aren't you a fun drunk? That's why you have no friends.' Australia's hanging out just on the other side of the bonfire from me, but unlike me he was sitting next to, what I'm guessing are his friends. Mostly eastern European countries are here with a few exceptions.

While laying on the floor I was spacing out more until the sounds of strings being plucked caught my attention. Someone brought a guitar- which side note: why?
And they were singing. Singing. Singing. SINGING. Who the fuck.
Some depressing ass song too... well, it didn't sound depressing, it was sorta uppity, but if you played attention to the lyrics you would be kinda sad.

Bitch, did they bring a whole ass band?!

Oh, it's just a karaoke machine. Countries really seem to like singing here... wonder who- oh Australia is singing.
Damn he's pretty good for a drunk guy.
He was singing about a girl leaving him or something; honestly can't be bothered to understand.
Does America's whole family have great vocals? Still haven't heard New Zealand sing, America's voice started to grow on me and Canada just sounds great. Even when he's not singing.
[Song from top]

"Yo dude, I think those people need you. You know em?" I opened my eyes, have they been shut this entire time? No, I saw Australia... was I seeing him through my lids. Aw shit, I've gone to deep,
"Dude," I looked up to see who Slovenia was pointing at and surprise surprise it was my brother.
I shook my head no, not feeling like talking to him right now, and Slovenia continued her antics while still keeping an eye on me, making sure no one took me away for their own personal needs.
I like Slovenia. She's nice.

My skull rested back down to the ground, hoping that my 6'5" headass was invisible to the approaching countries.
"Russia, there you are!" Ugh.
I had to force my eyes open again for the person screaming with relief in front of me, well, above me, "god, are you okay?! Where did all these people come from," Ukraine rolled up with Canada behind him, him getting a lot of 'happy birthday's' from people who have been drinking this entire night and/or are high off there asses.

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