35: Enough Drugs

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[I love this video ngl. It makes me so happy.]

[POV - America]

Let me tell you, it's a weird thing at 20—or 244 if you wanna count my other lives—to feel like someone sees you, like, really sees you. It's more funny than anything actually, especially when the one that's looking into your soul isn't even a variation of a human.

Animals really are a gift,
"Moooo" the cow licked up the last of the grass dangling out of its mouth and lowered its head to gather more, surprisingly there wasn't much snow in this pasture.

If you're wondering where I am, welcome to the club cuz I have no clue myself.
Russia's been gone since 6am today... and it's currently 2pm—I got around 4 hours of sleep after about an hour of crying from my breakup and had to ride a train south of the city to get out here in this large opening with only a few trees around and a barn.

I, for once, listened to Rue's instructions and followed a path leading from the train platform I was left at to where I am now: leaning against a fence in the middle of Nowhere, Russia, being eyed down by an enthusiastic cafe and it's unperturbed mother.

The sky looks like it's about to cry and these cows don't seem to want to go back to the safety of their herd—it's not like their herd is even that far away, I can see the rest of the cows grazing just beyond the mother's ears,
"Shoo! Shoo, go!" They wouldn't budge from their plot of land, and after a pathetic attempt to scare them away I was hit with the astounding realization that this wasn't working.

"What?! Am I not scary? Ayo, I've murdered, yeah you heard that right, murdered! Imma killer," yeah, threaten the cows America, they care about your kill count. The mother continued munching her grass with a bored, glassy look in her eyes while the cafe bounced around, jumping towards then away from me at the speed of sound.

The cows seamlessly annoyed and enamored me all without doing anything extraordinary, which only angered me to no end.

Which wasn't their fault, Russia's the real bitch in this situation, he's the one I should be mad at...

So why am I not!
"Ugh, why do I feel so ugh!?" I stomped around restlessly, kicking any stray rock unlucky enough to cross me. The cow's overtaking stare fed the guilt building in my stomach, "can y'all mind your business!"

The train ride here gave me a terrible case of motion sickness, and it hurt my soul.
I brushed over the injury on my face and felt disappointed, the soup that's boiling in my stomach now mixing with disappointed brought my thoughts to one solution.
I looked down to my hands, then my fingers and intentionally I made myself throw up, thinking it would give me the immediate gratification I was searching for.

3 seconds. For 3 seconds I felt what I had hoped I would experience, I felt lighter, but then straight away my throat began burning with the amount of acidity and the extreme sour taste made me shrink.
The cows, although disturbed, didn't look away to fuel their curiosity. Ew.

Along with wondering how I got here, 'why am I here' is also a valid question, it's also one I sorta have an answer for.
All I remembered was last night. Last night was crazy. It's not like we fucked or whatever, but what I will say is who knew breaking and entering could be so thrilling.
Around 8 hours ago I was sitting on the soggy mattress of out motel room, feeling tired and violated after the whole police fiasco.

Typing on my laptop was a displeasing experience as the handcuffs were still on my wrist at the time, once Russia had finally finished doing his bathroom routine he came out and fidgeted with that said wrist. Painfully fidgeting with said wrist, but he eventually knocked the hunk of metal off.

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